释义 |
視視 | 1032C40 63B.70-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄕˋ [shi4] | V.i. & t. | (1) (LL) to look (modn. 看): 視而不見 look but do not see; 注視 look at closely; 凝視 look steadily, stare at; 正視 face (a fact); 斜視 look askance at; 偷視 peep at; 俯視 look down or over; 近視,遠視 near-, farsighted; 透視 see through,also 透視畫 painting in perspective. (2) To regard, consider, treat: 視為,視作 regard as (important, best man, a risk); 視…而定 it all depends…; 視如,視同 treat like (one's own brother, etc.); 視作等閒 regard as light matter; 視財如命 worship money (“like his life”); 視死如歸 take death calmly (“like going home”); 重視,輕視 regard seriously, despise; regard as important, not important; 鄙視,藐視 despise; 善視 treat kindly; 仇視,敵視 be hostile to (person, country). (3) To inspect: 巡視 patrol; 監視 keep (s.o. or his movements) under watch or surveillance; 檢視 inspect (goods, etc.); 視學 [shi4xUe2]↓. (4) To take charge: 視事 [shi4shi4]↓.
| Words | 1. 視差 [shi4cha1], n., (astron.) parallax. 2. 視察 [shi4cha2], v.t., to inspect (school, etc.). 3. 視朝 [shi4chao2], v.i., (of emperor) attend court, give audience. 4. 視官 [shi4guan1], n., the sense of vision or sight. 5. 視角 [shi4jiao3], n., (phys.) visual angle. 6. 視徑 [shi4jing4], n., (視直徑) (astron.) apparent diameter. 7. 視覺 [shi4jUe2], n., sense of vision: 視覺器 sight organ. 8. 視力 [shi4li4], n., power of vision: 視力表 instrument for measuring vision. 9. 視能 [shi4neng2], n., (power or function of) eyesight. 10. 視線 [shi4xian4], n., line of vision. 11. 視事 [shi4shi4], v.i., to attend to duties (after leave or assuming post). 12. 視學 [shi4xUe2], n., formerly, provincial inspector of schools. 13. 視聽 [shi4ting1], n., (1) what one sees and hears, personal observation; (2) 視聽教育 audiovisual method of education. 14. 視野 [shi4ye3], n., field of vision.