释义 |
見見 | 646A15 41.70 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad147.gif) | 畫數 7 | ㄐㄧㄢˋ [jian4] (*ㄒㄧㄢˋ [xian4] ). | N. | Notion, idea, opinion, view, judgement: 見解 [jian4jie3], 見識 [jian4shi1]↓; 意見 views, opinions; 高見,卓見 (court.) your (esteemed) views; 成見 a preconceived notion, prejudice; 淺見 shallow view; 見地 [jian4di4]↓; 遠見 farseeing, farsighted; 婦人之見 worthless (shortsighted) views not to be taken seriously (cf. “she's only a woman”); 偏見 one-sided views, prejudice; 定見 fixed idea; 少見多怪 (contempt.) shocked through lack of experience; having seen little, get excited easily; 顯而易見 crystal-clear, self-evident; 管見 shortsighted view, also (self-deprecation) my views.
| V.i. & t. | (1) V.t., see, look at, behold: 見到 catch, (get) sight (a glimpse) of, actually see; 親眼看見 see with one's own eyes; 見世面 get to know the world; 見聞 [jian4wen2]↓; 見個高低 (of two opponents) fight it out; 見高低 (gambling) win or lose; 能見度 visibility; (活)見鬼 nonsense! you’re (he's) day-dreaming! 一見鍾情 love at first sight; 見票即付 (of checks) payable at sight; 先見之明 foresight; 相見恨晚 wish that we had met earlier! 我見猶憐 phr. for expressing love of one indeed beautiful; 瑕瑜互見 there are both good and bad qualities (strong points and weaknesses); 名不見經傳 (of person) obscure, little known; 見分曉 to clear up (matter, doubts), arrive at final results; 見縫兒就鑽 behave like a social climber (a gogetter) 見天日 (of rooms) sunny and airy; (fig.) injustice redressed; 見兔顧犬 (AC allu.) take instant advantage of an opportunity that comes only once in a long while; 百聞不如一見 hearing is no substitute for seeing (“seeing is believing”); 見利忘義 forget honor at sight of money; 見獵心喜 reminds one of former sport of hunting, interest reawakened; 見怪不怪 become inured to the unusual (weird, uncanny); 見景生情 recall old memories at familiar sights; 瞎子見錢眼開 even the blind man will open his eyes if you give him money; 見仁見智 each according to his lights; 見財起意 be moved to commit crimes by sight of money; 見異思遷 changeful, fickle, capricious; 見賢思齊 emulate those better than oneself; 見風使船 (fig.) sail with the wind; 見義勇為 never hesitate to do what is right; 見危授命 (of statesman) be ready to die for one's country in times of national crisis; 見機而作 take the cue and act accordingly; 見得 [jian4de2]↓; 見得到 may be seen (is visible), be wise (intelligent) enough to see a subtle point. (2) V.t., call on, visit with: 見面 [jian4mian4]↓; 覲見,朝見 have an audience with (a monarch); 拜見 pay a courtesy call on; 進見 have an interview with; 請見 ask for an interview; 想見 wish to meet; 見不著 fail to see s.o. one wishes to interview; 相見 meet one another; 見不得人 unpresentable; 見不起人 dare not show one's face; 見人 [jian4ren2]↓; 見閻王 (sl.) to kick the bucket. (3) V.t., receive (callers): 見客 [jian4ke4]↓; 接見 extend welcome to (visitor). (4) (Passive) be+p.p. 見怪 [jian4guai4], 見惠 [jian4hui4], 見教 [jian4jiao4], 見笑 [jian4xiao4], 見責 [jian4ze2], 見罪 [jian4zui4], 見外 [jian4wai4], 見輕 [jian4qing1]↓; 見諒 be forgiven; 見棄 be forsaken, abandoned, deserted; 見復 receive a reply; 見賜 be presented with; 見疑 be subject to suspicion, be doubted; 見用 be taken into service, be assigned work to do; 見稱 be spoken well of, praised. (5) V.i., appear, look, become: 見好 [jian4hao3], 見背 [jian4bei4]↓; 見瘦,見老 get thinner, older (be aging); 見氣 get angry. (6) V.i., (*[xian4]) (=現) appear, manifest.
| Adj. | Every: 見天 [jian4tian1]↓.
| Adv. complement. | Sense of completed sensation: 看見,聽見 have seen, have heard; 聞見 have heard or smelled; 夢見 have dreamed; 遇見,碰見 happened to meet.
| Words | 1. 見報 [jian4bao4], v.i., appear (be published) in newspaper. 2. 見背 [jian4bei4], v.i., be orphaned: 生孩六月,慈父見背 my father passed away when I was only six months old. 3. 見輕 [jian4qing1], v.i., (1) (of illness) get better; (2) (of person) be slighted, looked down upon, treated with contempt. 4. 見道 [jian4dao4], v.i., come to know the truth, used in a philosophical or religious sense. 5. 見得 [jian4de2], v.i., to know, perceive: 怎見得,何由見得 how do you know? 不見得 I don't see it, not necessarily so. 6. 見地 [jian4di4], n., perception, viewpoint: 甚有見地 the point is well taken; 見地甚高 farsighted, clear-sighted. 7. 見方 [jian4fang1], adj., square: 一尺見方 one foot square. 8. 見怪 [jian4guai4], v.i., be blamed, taken to task; v.t., take offense at: 別見怪我 do not blame me. 9. 見光 [jian4guang1], v.i., polish; adj., translucent. 10. 見好 [jian4hao3], (1) v.i., (of illness) get better; (2) v.t., go out of one's way to please (person). 11. 見惠 [jian4hui4], v.i., be presented with (a gift). 12. 見證 [jian4zheng4], n., (1) evidence, clear proof; (2) a witness. 13. 見幾 [jian4ji1]1, v.i., foresee s.t. before it happens, have foresight. 14. 見機 [jian4ji1]2, v.i., as in 見機而作 decide on the spot. 15. 見教 [jian4jiao4], v.i., give, be given, advice. 16. 見解 [jian4jie3], n., understanding, judgement, personal opinions, views. 17. 見客 [jian4ke4], v.i., receive callers. 18. 見禮 [jian4li3], n., (1) salute of welcome; (2) gift given at first meeting, see [jian4mian4li3]↓. 19. 見面 [jian4mian4], v.t., (1) meet face to face, see, talk with; (2) (of estranged persons) meet for the first time to be reconciled; v.t., 見面禮 [jian4mian4li3], n., a present given to s.o. whom one sees for the first time. 20. 見人 [jian4ren2], v.i., appear in public: 你做下這樣事,將來怎麼見人呢 if you do such a thing, how can you ever show your face again? 21. 見小 [jian4xiao3], v.i., (1) be more discerning than others; (2) be narrow-minded, petty, mean. 22. 見效 [jian4xiao4]1, v.i., (medicine, advice) show results. 23. 見笑 [jian4xiao4]2, v.i., be laughed at, ridiculed: 見笑大方 be a laughingstock, expose oneself to ridicule. 24. 見習 [jian4xi2], v.i., get practical experience by actual work, serve as an apprentice; n. & v.i., learn (-ing) from demonstration. 25. 見說 [jian4shuo1], phr., it's said that. 26. 見識 [jian4shi1], n., insight, judgement. 27. 見天 [jian4tian1], adj., everyday: 見天日 see the light of day. 28. 見責 [jian4ze2], v.i., be blamed, punished, taken to task. 29. 見罪 [jian4zui4], v.i., be blamed. 30. 見字 [jian4zi4], phr., used in letters from elders to children or subordinates as part of the salutation, roughly equiv. “This note if for…” preceded by the name of the recipient. 31. 見外 [jian4wai4], v.i., be considered as an outsider: 不要見外 phr. used to urge one to accept gift. 32. 見聞 [jian4wen2], n., what one sees and hears, general knowledge: 見聞不廣 have only limited knowledge.