

ㄈㄨˋ [fu4
V.i. & t.(1)  To overturn: 傾 to overthrow (government);
totter, about to fall, also v.t., to overthrow (government);
ship overturns;
see 沒,[fu4mo4], [fu4che4]↓;
車之戒,前車,後車戒 (anc. proverb) overturned cart in front is warning for those behind;
盆之冤 dark injustice (like being under a overturned tub).
(2)  Cover: 蓋 cover;
天之所,地之所載 what is under heaven and borne by the earth;
(醬)瓿 (modest) my worthless writing (“useful for covering condiment jars”).
(3)  Pour out: 水難收 water poured on the ground cannot be recovered, said by husband unwilling to take back separated wife.
(4)  To reply (unnecessary var. of 復): 答信,回;
命 report on termination of assignment.
Adv.Used like “re-” as prefix & vb., denoting “double check”: 查 re-examine;
校 re-proof;
核 double check on figures for budget, expenses;
選 second election;
審 re-examine case at court;
考,試 re-examination, double tests.
Words1. [fu4bai4], v.i., be defeated.
2. [fu4che1], n., a bird trap; an overturned cart.
3. [fu4che4], n., route of overturned cart.
4. [fu4mie4], v.i., be defeated; be see [fu4mo4]↓.
5. [fu4mo4], v.i., (of ship) overturn: 全軍沒 whole army is drowned.
6. 盆子 [fu4pen2zi0], n., (bot.) plant of rose family, Rubus tokkura.





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