释义 |
襟襟 | 1035A20 63C.01-1 | 部居
| 畫數 18 | ㄐㄧㄣ [jin1] | N. | (1) Part of dress covering chest (interch. 衿 63C.32): 對襟 a coat that fastens down the front; 大襟,小襟 (or 裡襟) the large, inner, lapel of a Chin. coat; 襟帶 sash. (2) A brother-in-law: 連襟,襟兄弟 brothers-in-law whose wives are sisters; 襟兄 [jin1xiong1], 襟弟 [jin1di4]↓. (3) mental outlook: 襟懷 [jin1huai2], 襟期 [jin1qi2], 襟度 [jin1du4]↓; 胸襟 one's general attitude, temperament (lit., “chest”) (broad-minded, etc.).
| Words | 1. 襟期 [jin1qi2], n., aspirations, life's ambition. 2. 襟弟 [jin1di4], n., brother-in-law who has married a younger sister of one's wife. 3. 襟度 [jin1du4], n., attitude of person: 襟度寬宏 (狹小) broad-, narrow-minded. 4. 襟懷 [jin1huai2], n., attitude of mind: 襟懷寬大 (or 狹小) generous, magnanimous, charitable, tolerant (or miserly, narrow-minded, mean, revengeful, intolerant). 5. 襟兄 [jin1xiong1], n., brother-in-law who has married an elder sister of one's wife.