释义 |
褻褻 | 807C25 60.02 | 部居
| 畫數 17 | ㄒㄧㄝˋ [xie4] | V.t. | (1) To be sacrilegious, disrespectful: 褻瀆 [xie4du2]↓. (2) To take liberties with woman: 褻玩 [xie4wan4]↓; 褻近,褻狎 [xie4jin4], [xie4xia2]↓.
| Adj. | (1) Indecent, immodest: 猥褻 indecent (story, language); 穢褻 dirty (story). (2) Intimate: 褻衣,褻服 [xie4yi1], [xie4fu2]↓.
| Words | 1. 褻器 [xie4qi4], n., (LL) chamber pot. 2. 褻瀆 [xie4du2], v.i., (1) to be sacrilegious or disrespectful to (what is sacred or highly honored); (2) (self-deprecative) am presumptuous to: 褻瀆清神 bother you with such trifle. 3. 褻服 [xie4fu2], n., (LL) under-clothing. 4. 褻近 [xie4jin4], v.t., to be intimate with (woman). 5. 褻慢 [xie4man4], v.i. & t., to show disrespect. 6. 褻狎 [xie4xia2], v.t., see [xie4jin4]↑. 7. 褻尊 [xie4zun1], v.i., (court.) am presumptuous. 8. 褻玩 [xie4wan4], v.t., to tease, dally with (woman). 9. 褻衣 [xie4yi1], n., (LL) underwear, underclothes.