释义 |
裙裙 | 1037A40 63C.40-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄑㄩㄣˊ [qUn2] | N. | (1) ([qUn2zi0], [qUn2er0]) Skirt, petticoat: 襯裙 petticoat; 圍裙 apron; 迷你裙 miniskirt. (2) The fringe of turtle meat.
| Words | 1. 裙釵 [qUn2chai1], n., womenfolks: 裙釵政治 rule by petticoats. 2. 裙帶 [qUn2dai4], n., (1) skirt and girdle; (2) having to do with wife’s relations or influence: 裙帶關係 wife's relationships; 裙帶官 a man who owes his official position to wife's influence; 裙帶風 the rule of women. 3. 裙帶菜 [qUn2dai4cai4], n., (bot.) a plant of long leaves that grows on seaside, Ulopteryxpinnatifida.