释义 |
袒袒 | 1036C25 63C.30-4 | 部居
| 畫數 10 | ㄊㄢˇ [tan3] . [Var.襢] | V.t. | To bare, leave naked: 袒裼裸裎 (AC) stand completely naked; 左袒 ancient custom of leaving left arm uncovered, hence 左袒,偏袒 to be partial to one side, see 袒庇 [tan3bi4]↓.
| Words | 1. 袒庇 [tan3bi4], v.t., be partial to. 2. 袒護 [tan3hu4], v.t., ditto. 3. 袒露 [tan3lu4], v.t., to expose. 4. 袒免 [tan3wen4], phr., (AC) anc. funeral custom of baring right shoulder and wrapping hair up inside turban.