释义 |
衣衣 | 807A45 60.02 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄧ [yi1] (*ㄧˋ [yi4] ). | N. | (1) Dress, coat, clothing, garment: 衣服,衣裳 [yi1fu0], [yi1chang2]↓; 衣冠 [yi1guan1]↓; 衣帽間 cloak room, check room; 單衣,夾衣 unlined, lined dress (jacket); 毛衣 sweater, woolen knitwear; 皮衣 fur coat; 大衣 topcoat, overcoat; 雨衣 raincoat; 內衣 undergarment; 號衣 uniform; 衣食住行 clothing, food, shelter and transportation - the four basic needs of everybody; 衣香鬢影 perfumed clothes and gorgeous hair - descriptive of ladies in high society. (2) Coating: 糖衣 sugar-coating, -ed; 花生衣 membrane of peanuts.
| V.i.&t. | (*[yi4]) To dress: 以衣 ([yi1]) 衣 ([yi4]) 人to clothe the poor with clothing; 衣錦還鄉 return home in glory (“clothed in silks,” of home-town boy who makes good): 衣錦夜行 to parade beautifully dressed in the dark, go without due appreciation.
| Words | 1. 衣包 [yi1bao1]1, n., clothing bag, used for travel. 2. 衣胞 (兒) [yi1bao1]2,([er0]), n., placenta. 3. 衣被 [yi4bei4], (1) n., clothing and bedding; (2) (*[yi4bei4]) v. t., 衣被蒼生 (fig.) to spread all-round benefit to people (to clothe and shelter the poor). 4. 衣 (缽) [yi1bo1], n., (lit.) the cassock and alms bowl of a Buddhist master, passed on to disciple as symbol of apostolic succession: 衣 真傳 received or is keeper of true teachings. 5. 衣補兒 [yi1bu3er0], n., the radical “ ”; index No. 63C. 6. 衣裳 [yi1chang2], n., (1) jacket and petticoat; (2) ([yi1shang0]) dress, clothing in gen. 7. 衣衾 [yi1qin1], n., burial dress and coverlet: 衣衾棺槨 burial gown, coverlet, coffin and conffin case. 8. 衣廚 [yi1chu2], n., wardrobe, clothing cabinet. 9. 衣服 [yi1fu0], n., dress in gen. (for man and woman). 10. 衣冠 [yi1guan1], n., hat and gown: 衣冠禽獸 (abuse) a beast in human dress; 衣冠冢 a grave containing the hat and gown of deceased in the absence of missing corpse. 11. 衣櫃 [yi1gui4], n., wardrobe, chest of drawers for clothing. 12. 衣架 (兒) [yi1jia4]([er0]), n., clothing stand, clothes tree, clothes horse (also 衣裳架). 13. 衣巾 [yi1jin1]1, n., hat and dress (巾 = 帽). 14. 衣襟 (兒) [yi1jin1]2, ([yi1jie1er0]), n., see 襟 63C.01. 15. 衣裝 [yi1zhuang1], n., traveller's clothing bag. 16. 衣著 [yi1zhuo2], n., what one wears, clothing. 17. 衣料 (兒) [yi1liao4] ([er0]), n., dress material. 18. 衣馬 [yi1ma3], n., (LL) gowns and horses (of the rich). 19. 衣帽年 (兒) [yi1mao4nian2], ([yi1mao4niarer0]), phr., times when people are judged by their dress. 20. 衣衫 [yi1shan1], n., dress (and gen. appearance). 21. 衣刷 [yi1shua1], n., clothes brush. 22. 衣蝨 [yi1shi1], n., lice in underclothing. 23. 衣魚 [yi1yU2], n., silverfish that eats into clothing.