

ㄔㄨㄥ [chong1 (*ㄔㄨㄥˋ [chong4).
N.Strategic place: 要.
V.i.(1)  To rush or dash forward: 直 ditto;
直撞 rush and swerve about madly;
進去 dash into (house).
(2)  To be in conflict with: [chong1tu2]↓.
(3)  (*[chong4]) To fall asleep: 你別了 don't fall asleep;
盹兒 fall asleep.
(4)  (*[chong4]) In 著 happen, [chong4zhe0]↓.
V.t.To strike: 陣 strike into enemy ranks;
Adj.(*[chong4]) (1)  With full steam: 一股勁兒 full of spirit.
(2)  Rich, overflowing (style): 文氣很 ditto;
嗓子很 a rich, vibrant voice.
(3)  Straightforward: 口氣太 too blunt in speaking.
Prep.(*[chong4]) Toward: 你的面子 run smack up against you;
前走,南走 go straight up , go south.
Words1. [chong1che1], n., (AC) a kind of chariot for breaking into enemy ranks.
2. [chong1dong4], (1) n., an impulse: 感情的動 an emotional impulse; (2) v.i. & t., to arouse, excite; to feel an impulse: 動起來 feel excited, aroused.
3. [chong1feng1], v.i., break into enemy ranks.
4. [chong1guan1], phr., 怒髮冠 hairs stand on end with anger.
5. 著 *[chong4zhe0], phr., it happens, coincides: 著你來了 just at that moment you came in.
6. [chong1ji1], v.t., to dash against (rocks).
7. [chong1zhuang4], v.i. & t., to collide with (object); to rush against or about.
8. [chong1jUe2], v.i., break (dam), (dam) breaks; (troops) break out from siege.
9. [chong1ke4], v.t., (of 五行 the five basic movements) to contradict or cancel out each other, to neutralize.
10. 浪板 [chong1lang4ban3], n., surf board.
11. [chong1li4], n., momentum.
12. [chong1xian4], v.t., to break into (enemy ranks); also 鋒陷陣 [chong1feng1]↑.
13. [chong1xiao1], phr., to soar aloft (=沖天).
14. [chong1tu2], (1) v.i., contradict: 互相突 contradict each other; (2) adj., contradictory: 突的; (3) n., conflict (of opinions, nations).
15. [chong1yao4], n. strategic point.





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