释义 |
街街 | 1282C00 91B.00-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄐㄧㄝ [jie1] | N. | A public thoroughfare: 大街小巷 streets and alleys; 市街 city street; 街市 [jie1shi4]↓; 十字街頭 (at) the crossroads; 街頭巷尾 street corners and alleys; 街談巷議 street gossips, rumors; 街里街坊 neighborly relations; 花街柳巷 red-light districts; 掃街 sweep the streets; 遊街 a procession or parade: 遊街示眾 to parade (a criminal) through streets; 逛街 go for a stroll, take a walk; 罵街 curse loudly in public.
| Words | 1. 街衢 [jie1qU2], n., thoroughfare. 2. 街道 [jie1dao4], n., a road, street. 3. 街坊 [jie1fang1], n., neighbors, neighborhood. 4. 街門 [jie1men2], n., the front door facing the street. 5. 街面兒 [jie1miaher0], n. ,street, street scenes. 6. 街上 [jie1shang0], phr., in the street. 7. 街巷 [jie1xiang4], n., streets and lanes. 8. 街市 [jie1shi4], n., business centers in cities, downtown district.