释义 |
衒衒 | 1287A15 91B.00-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄒㄩㄢˋ [xUan4] . [Largely interch.炫 91D.93] | V.i. | To show, off. with intent to deceive: 自衒 to show off; 衒賣,衒鬻 (AC) show off one's wares for sale; 衒玉賈石 (AC) display as jade and sell stone; 衒俏 (AC) sell one's charms, to flirt (=賣俏).
| Adj. | Proud: 衒士,衒學之士 proud or pedantic scholar.
| Words | 1. 衒弄 [xUan4nong4], v.i. & t., to show off, be pedantic. 2. 衒耀 [xUan4yao4], v.i., to show off. 3. 衒異 [xUan4yi4], v.i., to attact attention by novelty.