释义 |
血血 | 1205C05 91.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄒㄩㄝˋ [xUe4] (more common in litr. phrr.); *ㄒㄧㄝˇ [xie3] (more common in coll. phrr.). | N. | Blood: 血脈,血球,血管, etc., [xUe4mo4], [xUe4qiu2], [xUe4guan3]↓; 熱血男兒 red-blooded patriots, (refers to idealism, enthusiasm); see 血氣,血性 [xUe4qi4], [xUe4xing4]↓; 冷血動物 cold-blooded animal, (fig.) an apathetic person; 浴血苦戰 a bloody battle, “bathed in blood”; 吸血鬼 blood-sucking vampire; 貧血症 anemia; 吐血 throw up blood; 血汗 blood and sweat: 血汗錢 hard-earned money, money earned with blood and sweat; 血淚 tears of blood; 含血噴人,血口噴人 make unfounded, scurrilous attacks upon person; 流血標杵 (battlefield) strewn with blood, descriptive of a blood bath in war.
| Adj. | (1) Bloody color: 血紅. (2) Bloody: 血史 story of bloody battles; 血戰 bloody battle; 血淋淋,血淥淥,血忽淋剌 dripping with blood, describing a bloody sight. (3) Related in blood: 血親,血統,血族 [xUe4qin1], [xUe4tong3], [xUe4zu2]↓.
| Words | 1. 血案 [xUe4an4], n., a murder case. 2. 血本 [xUe4ben3], n., capital investment which represents lifetime saving. 3. 血崩 [xUe4beng1], n., menorrhagia of the uterus. 4. 血餅 [xUe4bing3], n., cruor, (coagulated) blood clot. 5. 血泊 [xUe4bo2], phr., a pool of blood. 6. 血腸 *[xie3chang2], n., blood sausage (of sheep intestines stuffed with blood). 7. 血忱 [xUe4chen2], n., sincerity from the heart. 8. 血誠 [xUe4cheng2], n., ditto. 9. 血氣 [xUe4qi4], n., animal spirits, vigor, oft. equiv. Eng. “guts”--courage, enthusiasm: 凡有血氣之人 all who have feeling (must feel aroused by the atrocities, etc.); 凡有血氣者莫不尊親 all who are endowed with breath (“blood”) respect their parents; see [xUe4xing4]↓; 血氣之勇 brute courage, as dist. moral courage; 血氣所使 slave to animal nature; 血氣未定 physical vigors of young people; 血氣虛弱 weak constitution, gen. debility. 10. 血親 [xUe4qin1], n., blood kin. 11. 血清 [xUe4qing1], n., blood serum. 12. 血球 [xUe4qiu2], n., blood corpuscles: 紅血球,白血球 red, white corpuscles. 13. 血栓症 [xUe4chuan2zheng4], n., thrombosis. 14. 血赤素 [xUe4chi2su4], n., hemoglobin. 15. 血道子 *[xie3dao4zi0], n., scars of cuts on skin. 16. 血管 [xUe4guan3], n., blood vessels; arteries (動脈) and veins (靜脈); 血管硬化 arteriosclerosis. 17. 血蠱 [xUe4gu3], n., (Chin. med.) swelling in belly, described as due to clotting of blood from a fall or injury. 18. 血海 [xUe4hai3], n., (1) (Chin. med.) name of arterial focus point (經穴) on inner thigh; (2) 血海冤仇 a blood feud. 19. 血汗 [xUe4han4], n., hard toil (of sweat and blood). 20. 血忽淋剌 [xUe4hu1lin1la1], adj., shockingly bloody (appearance). 21. 血花 [xUe4hua1], n., sprays of spurting blood. 22. 血活 *[xie3huo2], adj., (coll.) frighteningly serious: 這點小事,讓你說得那麼血活 you make this trifle sound terribly serious. 23. 血紅 [xUe4hong2], adj., blood-red color. 24. 血跡 [xUe4ji1], n., blood stains. 25. 血痂 [xUe4jia1], n., a scab, clot of blood formed on wounds. 26. 血漿 [xUe4jiang1], n., (blood) plasma. 27. 血竭 [xUe4jie2], n., resin of certain palms, used as an herb (looking like “dried blood”). 28. 血忌 [xUe4ji4], n., days when eating of meat or slaughter of animals is forbidden. 29. 血晶 [xUe4jing4], n., (min.) blood-red quartz crystal. 30. 血櫧 [xUe4zhu1], n., the bitter acorn oak, Quercus acuta. 31. 血痔 [xUe4zhi4], n., bleeding piles. 32. 血塊 [xUe4kuai4], n., coagulated blood clot; thrombus; 血塊子 (*[xie3kuai4zi0]) blood clot. 33. 血虧 [xUe4kui1], n., anemia. 34. 血庫 [xUe4ku4], n., blood bank. 35. 血兒 *[xie3er0], n., commonly refers to blood oozing from surface cut. 36. 血淚 *[xie3lei4] ([xUe4lei4]), phr., blood and tears (from utter distress). 37. 血料 *[xie3liao4], n., a paint mixture containing animal blood. 38. 血淋 [xUe4lin2], n., gonorrhea with traces of blood. 39. 血輪 [xUe4lun2], n., see [xUe4qiu2]↑. 40. 血迷 [xUe4mi2], n., a mother's swooning off due to excessive loss of blood during child delivery. 41. 血脈 [xUe4mo4], n., (1) blood circulation: 血脈流通; (2) the blood pulse; (3) blood relationship, see [xUe4tong3]↓. 42. 血沫子 *[xie3mo4zi0], n., froth formed on stored blood. 43. 血盆 [xUe4pen2], n., (coll.) a big mouth, as 血盆的大口. 44. 血珀 [xUe4po4], n., dark red amber. 45. 血人兒 *[xie3re0er0], n., a person covered all over with blood. 46. 血刃 [xUe4ren4], n., bloodstained knife. 47. 血色 [xUe4se4], adj., blood-red color (血色兒 *[xie2sha3er0]); 血色素 haemoglobin. 48. 血牲 [xUe4sheng1], n., animal sacrifice. 49. 血小板 [xUe4xiao2ban3], n., blood platelets or thrombocyte. 50. 血性 [xUe4xing4], n., animal spirits, physical courage, guts. 51. 血心 [xie4xin1], n., sincerity of heart. 52. 血腥氣 [xUe4xing1qi4], n., smell of fresh blood. 53. 血型 [xUe4xing2], n., blood type, blood group (considered in transfusion). 54. 血行器 [xUe4xing2qi4], n., blood circulatory system. 55. 血書 [xUe4shu1], n., letter written in blood (in some dramatic crisis). 56. 血水 *[xie2shui3], n., the blood as a fluid; water mixed with blood. 57. 血屬 [xUe4shu3], n., blood relative. 58. 血食 [xUe4shi2], n., eating of sacrificial meat. 59. 血虛 [xUe4xU1], n., anemia. 60. 血尿 [xUe4sui1], n., blood in urine. 61. 血絲(兒) *[xie3si1]([xie3se0er0]), n., fine capillaries; blood fibers. 62. 血嗣 [xUe4si4], n., blood descendant. 63. 血湯子 *[xie3tang1zi0], n., see [xie2shui3]↑. 64. 血統 [xUe4tong3], n., blood relationship, consanguinity: 血統主義 jus sanguinis, law of certain countries which recognizes child's citizenship by its parents', irrespective of where it is born (opp. 屬地主義 jus soli). 65. 血債 [xUe4zai4], n., blood debt, a debt to be settled by blood. 66. 血族 [xUe4zu2], n., consanguine relation. 67. 血污 [xUe4wu1], n., blood stains. 68. 血壓 [xUe4ya1], n., blood pressure. 69. 血癌 [xUe4yan2], n., leukemia. 70. 血液 [xUe4ye4], n., blood: 血液循環 blood circulation; 血液纖維素 fibrin, which helps coagulation of blood when exposed to air. 71. 血印 *[xie3yin4], n., blood stains (on clothing, etc.). 72. 血友病 [xUe4you3bing4], n., hemophilia. 73. 血緣 [xUe4yUan2], n., see [xUe4tong3]↑. 74. 血玉髓 [xUe4yU4sui3], n., (min). bloodstone. 75. 血暈 *[xie3yUn4], n., see [xUe4mi2]↑. 76. 血餘 [xUe4yU2], n., (Chin. med.) human hair (used as medicine).