释义 |
蠱蠱 | 364A30 22.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 23 | ㄍㄨˇ [gu3] | N. & v.t. | Poison, witchcraft, see compp.↓.
| Words | 1. 蠱毒 [gu3du2], (1) adj., poisonous; (2) n., a mixture of poisonous insects (snakes, spiders, etc.), used in herb medicine. 2. 蠱惑 [gu3huo4], v.t., seduce to wrong doing: 蠱惑人心 spread false doctrines to undermine the people's morale. 3. 蠱疾 [gu3ji2], n., a condition caused by excessive sexual activities.