释义 |
蠟蠟 | 419B45 22D.70-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 21 | ㄌㄚˋ [la4] . [Dist.臘 42A.70] | N. | Wax, a candle: 木蠟 wood-wax; 鯨蠟 ambergris; 蜜蠟 beeswax; 蟲白蠟 white wax produced from wax insects; 蠟燭 [la4zhu2]↓; 洋蠟 (“Western”) candle; 蠟淚 [la4lei4]↓; 味同嚼蠟 insipid like chewing wax.
| V.t. | To apply wax to (s.t.).
| Adj. | Yellowish like wax: 蠟梅 [la4mei2]↓; 面色如蠟 (of face) ashen-colored.
| Words | 1. 蠟筆 [la4bi3], n., color crayons. 2. 蠟扦(兒) [la4qian1] ([la4qia1er0]), n., candlestick with sharp point. 3. 蠟蟲 [la4chong2], n., a scale insect which produces wax. 4. 蠟膏 [la4gao1], n., (med.) an ointment made with wax as base. 5. 蠟花 [la4hua1], n., a flower-like formation on a burning candle or snuff. 6. 蠟渣(子) [la4zha1]([zi0]), n., molten candle, candle drippings: 似蠟渣子黃 (of face) of waxen color. 7. 蠟箋 [la4jian1], n., waxed or sized letter paper (also 蠟紙 [la4zhi3]↓). 8. 蠟夾子 [la4jia2zi0], n., tweezers or scissors for trimming candlewick. 9. 蠟燭 [la4zhu2], n., candle. 10. 蠟炬 [la4jU4], n., big candle. 11. 蠟紙 [la4zhi3], n., (1) wax(ed) paper (also 蠟箋 [la4jian1]↑); (2) stencil. 12. 蠟淚 [la4lei4], n., guttering or dripping of candle (lit., “candle tears”). 13. 蠟梅 [la4mei2], n., (bot.) the winter-sweet, Calycanthus fragrans (also wr.臘梅). 14. 蠟人 [la4ren2], n., wax figure. 15. 蠟像 [la4xiang4], n., waxworks. 16. 蠟芯兒 [la4xie1er0], n., candlewick. 17. 蠟書 [la4shu1], n., (AC) secret message sealed in a wax-coated ball. 18. 蠟樹 [la4shu4], n., (bot.) Ligustrum, the white wax tree Lucidum (another name for 女貞). 19. 蠟石 [la4shi2], n., (min.) (1) steatite; (2) yellow quartz. 20. 蠟臺 [la4tai2], n., candleholder, candle stand (also 燭臺). 21. 蠟頭兒 [la4tou2er0], n., (1) the stump of a candle; (2) (fig.) anything nearing its end. 22. 蠟坨(兒)(子) [la4tuo2] ([er0]) ([zi0]), n., a lump of wax. 23. 蠟嘴 [la4zui3], n., (zoo.) the hawfinch, waxbill. 24. 蠟子 [la4zi3]1, n., (1) nest made by wax insects for laying eggs; (2) (min.) a purple precious stone. 25. 蠟滓 [la4zi3]2, n., see 蠟渣 [la4zha1]↑. 26. 蠟丸(兒) [la4wan2] ([la4wa2er0]), n., a wax-coated pill (of medicine or other things). 27. 蠟油 [la4you2], n., drips from lighted candle.