释义 |
停停 | 1235C50 91A.00-6 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄊㄧㄥˊ [ting2] | N. | Ten per cent (=成),…out of ten: 十停人家去了九停 nine out of ten families are gone.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To stop: 停住,停著,停下來 come to a stop; 停一會,停停(兒) by and by, after a while; 不停的(動,講,跳) (move about, talk, jump) continuously; 停用 to stop using: 停駛 stop engine (of ship); 停刊 stop publication (of periodical); 停售 stop selling; 停戰 cease fire; 停妻再娶 divorce wife and remarry. (2) V.i., to bog down, remain inactive: 停頓,停滯 [ting2dun4], [ting2zhi4]↓.
| V.t. | To fix or get ready: 停好了 (room, etc.) has been got ready; 調停 mediate, arbitrate (a dispute); (in participial use) 停當 got ready, all in proper place; 停當,停妥,停勻 [ting2dang4], [ting2tuo3], [ting2yUn2]1↓.
| Words | 1. 停辦 [ting2ban4], v.t., give up, close up (business, project, school); v.t., v.i., close down. 2. 停泊 [ting2bo2], v.i., to lie at anchor, lie alongshore. 3. 停車 [ting2che1], v.i., to stop driving, to park: 停車場 [ting2che1chang2] ([ting2che1chang3]), a parking lot. 4. 停床 [ting2chuang2], v.i., lie on deathbed (cf. [ting2ling2]↓). 5. 停當 [ting2dang4], adj., all set, all arranged (of luggage, various arrangements for trip, etc.). 6. 停頓 [ting2dun4] ([ting2dun0]), v.i., be at a standstill owing to difficulties, bog down. 7. 停付 [ting2fu4], v.i., stop payment (of check, salaries). 8. 停工 [ting2gong1], v.i. & n., stop work, stoppage of work. 9. 停戰 [ting2zhan4], v.i. & n., to cease fire; a cease fire, armistice. 10. 停滯 [ting2zhi4], v.i., be held up, delayed, not progress normally; be tied up, blocked up. 11. 停止 [ting1zhi2], v.i. & t., gen. word for “stop” (of work, negotiations, clock). 12. 停職 [ting2zhi2], v.i. & t., relieve of office, dismiss, suspend. 13. 停刊 [ting2kan1], v.i., cease publication (of periodical). 14. 停課 [ting2ke4], v.i., suspend classes in school. 15. 停潦 [ting2lao4], n., cesspool. 16. 停留 [ting2liu2], v.i., stop over during journey, delay for rest, etc. 17. 停靈 [ting2ling2], v.i., to keep coffin at certain place pending burial. 18. 停水 [ting2shui3], (1) v.i., stop water supply; (2) n., still water. 19. 停屍間 [ting2shi1jian1], n., morgue. 20. 停學 [ting2xUe2], v.i., give up schooling; suspend from school. 21. 停訊 [ting2xUn4], v.i., stop court proceedings. 22. 停妥 [ting2tuo3], adj., (of arrangements) all set. 23. 停飲 [ting2yin3], n., (med.) indigestion, form of stomach affection. 24. 停勻 [ting2yUn2]1, adj., well blended or proportioned. 25. 停雲 [ting2yUn2]2, phr., (allu.) thinking of absent friends or relatives.