释义 |
蜀蜀 | 682C50 41D.50-9 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄕㄨˇ [shu3] | N. | Ancient name for Szechuan Province: 蜀道難 celebrated difficult mountain paths of Szechuan; 蜀犬吠日 phr., a Szechuan dog barks when sun comes out (being so rare)--referring to astonish-ment at unfamiliar sights; 巴蜀 (AC) Szechuan region.
| Words | 1. 蜀漢 [shu3han4], n., one of the Three Kingdoms (222-265 A.D.) in modn. Szechuan. 2. 蜀椒 [shu3jiao1], n., wild pepper of Szechuan. 3. 蜀葵 [shu3kui2], n., the mallow, Althaea rosea. 4. 蜀黍 [shu2shu3], n., Szechuan sorghum.