

ㄌㄢˊ [lan2
N.(1)  (Bot.) the orchid.
(2)  A surname.
(3)  Fragrance, elegance, refinement, moral excellence: [lan2jiao1], [lan2ai4]↓;
因絮果 the vicissitudes of life;
摧玉折 premature death of a virtuous or gifted individual;
薰桂馥 (lit.) as fragrant as orchids and cassia, (fig.) a man's beautiful moral influence;
形棘心 appearances are deceptive (lit., “appearance of orchid and heart of thistle”).
Words1. [lan2ai4], n., orchid and artemisia; the virtuous vs. the ignoble.
2. [lan2qiu1], n., (LL) the seventh lunar month.
3. [lan2gui1], n., (LL) a lady's boudoir.
4. [lan2gui4], n., orchids and cassia; (fig.) (complim.) beautiful descendants, progeny, offspring.
5. [lan2hua1], n., the orchid (flower).
6. [lan2zhao4], n., a good omen auguring the birth of a son.
7. [lan2jiao1], n., intimate friendship between like-minded individuals.
8. [lan2zhi1], n., the orchid flower, symbolic of high-minded individuals.
9. [lan2meng4], n., =[lan2zhao4]↑.
10. [lan2pen3], n., (1) (Budd.) (盂盆會) the Feast of All Souls held on the 15th day of the 7th lunar month, with floating lanterns or candles on water, for the deliverance of hungry ghosts; (2) a basin, a bathtub.
11. [lan2pu3], n., (1) books on orchidology or the painting of orchids; (2) the genealogical records of sworn brothers, each of whom keeps a copy.
12. [lan2re3], n., (1) (bot.) Chinese and Japanese thoroughwort, Eupatorium chinensis and japonica; (2) (Budd.) monastery, a hermit's cell.
13. [lan2she4], n., sweet fragrance.
14. [lan2xiang1], n., (bot.) the sweet basil, Ocimum basilicum (also 羅勒,香菜).
15. [lan2xiu4], adj., like-minded, on very intimate terms with s.o. (lit., “agreeably fragrant”).
16. [lan2sun1], n., (LL) (court.) grandchildren.
17. [lan2cao3], n., (bot.) Eupatorium chinensis, a gen. name for orchid-like plants.
18. [lan2ze2], n., (1) orchid pomade or ointment; (2) [lan2cao3]↑; (3) [lan2xiang1]↑.
19. [lan2you2], n., orchids and Caryopteris divaricata, a foul-smelling water plant; (fig.) a man of noble versus one of ignoble character.
20. [lan2yU4], n., (1) orchids and jade as symbols of young men's good conduct; (2) as symbols of female chastity.





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