释义 |
蘄蘄 | 261C20 20A.22-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 20 | ㄑㄧˊ [qi2] | N. | (Bot.), 蘄草 see 當歸 22.41.
| V.i. & t. | To beg (var. of 祈 63B.22).
| Words | 1. 蘄艾 [qi2ai4], n., (bot.) see 當歸 22.41. 2. 蘄春 [qi2chun1], n., a district in Hupeh. 3. 蘄竹 [qi2zhu2], n., (bot.) a species of fine bamboo produced at [qi2chun1]↑. 4. 蘄蛇 [qi2she2], n., a mottled grey poisonous snake found at [qi2chun1]↑.