释义 |
藩藩 | 272C20 20A.41-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 19 | ㄈㄢˊ [fan2] | N. | (1) Fence. (2) Outlying post, authority or province protecting border: 屏藩 border defense authority, protectorate.
| Words | 1. 藩國 [fan2guo2], n., feudatory state, governed by prince of royal house. 2. 藩鎮 [fan2zhen4], n., commander of outlying province. 3. 藩籬 [fan2li2], n., fence, hedge; (fig.) boundary: 打破藩籬 break through hedging-in traditions. 4. 藩屏 [fan2ping2], n., governorships in outlying provinces, also 屏藩. 5. 藩屬 [fan2shu3], n., protectorate. 6. 藩司(臺) [fan2si1] ([fan2si1tai2]), n., Mirng Dyn. commissioner =布政使.