释义 |
蕭蕭 | 261B00 20A.22-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 16 | ㄒㄧㄠ [xiao1] | N. | A surname: 蕭規曹隨 the successor 曹參 merely followed rules set up by previous minister 蕭何 in Hahn Dyn.
| Adj. | Desolate, dejected, disconsolate, see most compp.↓: 蕭晨 a gloomy morning.
| Words | 1. 蕭艾 [xiao1ai4], n., (AC) common grass. 2. 蕭牆 [xiao1qiang2], n., (LL) nearby at home: 禍起蕭牆 trouble breaks out at home. 3. 蕭斧 [xiao1fu3], n., (AC) axe. 4. 蕭齋 [xiao1zhai1], n., (LL) (1) studio; (2) a Buddhist temple, see [xiao1shi4]↓. 5. 蕭然 [xiao1ran2], adj., (1) desolate: 環堵蕭然 the walls are quite bare; (2) detached, unhampered: 蕭然物外 (man's spirit) untrammeled by worldly affairs. 6. 蕭灑 [xiao1sa3], adj., free, emancipated, unhampered by conventions; (person, writing) spirited, wayward, forthright; pure, noble. 7. 蕭散 [xiao1san3], v.i. & adj., disperse, -d, scattered, thinning out. 8. 蕭颯 [xiao1sa4], adj., chilly (autumn air). 9. 蕭騷 [xiao1sao1], adj., see [xiao1tiao2]↓. 10. 蕭瑟 [xiao1se4], adj., (1) disconsolate, gloomy; (2) (business) dull. 11. 蕭森 [xiao1sen1], adj., bare (wintry landscape). 12. 蕭閒 [xiao1xian2], adj., leisurely and at ease (also 消閒). 13. 蕭蕭 [xiao1xiao1], adj., whistling (wind), whinnying (horse). 14. 蕭疏 [xiao1shu1], adj., (of trees, leaves) sparse and graceful. 15. 蕭寺 [xiao1shi4], n., (LL. allu.) Buddhist temple. 16. 蕭索 [xiao1suo3] ([xiao1suo0]), adj., poverty-stricken, lonely (cf. 蕭瑟 [xiao1se4]↑). 17. 蕭條 [xiao1tiao2], n., (business) very dull, (family) on the godown, (gen. conditions) depressed, lonely, forsaken.