释义 |
葫葫 | 273B25 20A.42-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄏㄨˊ [hu2] | Words | 1. 葫蘆 [hu2lu2] ([hu2lu0]), n., the bottle gourd; dried shell of bottle gourd, used for holding medicine: 葫蘆裡藥讓你猜 guess what's in the gourd; hence 悶葫蘆 a puzzling matter; 葫蘆兒 embroidered bag of spices worn by children on 5th lunar month for warding off infectious influence; 冰糖胡蘆兒 sugar-coated crab apple. 2. 葫蒜 [hu2suan4], n., garlic and leeks (also wr. 胡蒜). 3. 葫荽 [hu2sui1], n., coriander (also wr. 胡荽).