释义 |
董董 | 259A20 20A.11-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄉㄨㄥˇ [dong3] | N. | (1) A surname. (2) Short for 董事 [dong3shi4]↓: 校董 board of directors of a school; 商董 board of directors of chamber of commerce: 紳董 the gentry. (3) Curio in 古董.
| V.t. | Direct, supervise: 理董其事 supervise, manage the affairs; 董其成 see that it is completed.
| Words | 1. 董事 [dong3shi4], n., member of board of directors; 董事會 board of directors; 董事長 chairman of the board.