释义 |
葉葉 | 250A05 20A.01-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄧㄝˋ [ye4] (*ㄕㄜˋ [she4] ). | N. | (1) A leaf (of plant): 楓葉,紅葉 maple leaf; 荷葉 lotus leaf; 葉落歸根 what comes from the soil will return to the soil; 葉落知秋 or 一葉知秋 one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn-everything is part of a whole; (fig.) of a boat in landscape: 一葉扁舟. (2) A petal: 千葉 a composite flower (of many petals). (3) U.f. 頁 a leaf in a book. (4) (Related to 世) a generation: 中葉 (=中世) middle of a dynasty; 末葉 end of a century, regime, or dynasty.. (5) A surname. (6) (*[she4]) (Related to 世) name of a county: 葉縣.
| Words | 1. 葉柄 [ye4bing3], n., (bot.) petiole. 2. 葉黃素 [ye4huang2su4], n., (bot.) xanthophyll. 3. 葉針 [ye4zhen1], n., (bot.) needle (as pine needle). 4. 葉尖 [ye4jian1], n., (bot.) apex of leaf. 5. 葉筋 [ye4jin1], n., leaf veins. 6. 葉綠素 [ye4lu4su4], n., (bot.) chlorophyll. 7. 葉脈 [ye4mo4], n., leaf veins. 8. 葉肉 [ye4rou4], n., (bot.) mesophyll. 9. 葉身 [ye4shen1], n., (bot.) leaf blade. 10. 葉序 [ye4xU4], n., (bot.) leaf cycle. 11. 葉子 [ye4zi0], n., a leaf; 葉子戲 game of cards; 葉子煙 formerly, cut leaf tobacco for pipe.