

ㄌㄨㄛˋ [luo4 (*ㄌㄠˋ [lao4 in many coll. usages).
N.(1)  A settlement, division, place where people congregate: 部 a tribe;
a village;
whereabouts: 下不明,不知下 whereabouts unknown;
告一段 (of affairs) a chapter has been concluded, a stage of development closed.
(2)  A lot: 一兒 ([yi2lao4er0]) 書,一兒碟子 a stack of books, dishes.
(3)  A hedge: 籬.
V.i. & t.(1)  To shed, drop down, off: 葉 shed leaves;
花,英 fallen petals;
打得花流水 route the enemy completely;
日 setting sun;
下來 drop down;
淚 shed tears;
雨,雪 it rains, snows;
膽 lose heart, frightened out of one's wits;
髮 drop off hair, hair falls;
髮為僧 shave one's head and become a monk;
胎 have, or cause, an abortion;
湯雞 drenched through, like chicken drenched and about to be feathered;
湯螃蟹 helpless like crab in steaming pot;
井()下石 to throw rocks in after a man has fallen into well (trap)-strike man when he is down;
水 (of person, ship) go into the water, (woman) become prostitute.
(2)  (Pr. *[lao4] or [luo4]) fall, come down on: 在地上 drop to the ground;
在房上 bird alights on the roof;
第六名 name comes out in sixth place;
孫山 (phr. allu.) fail in civil examination-name comes out behind the last name, that of Sun Shan;
see 第,[luo4di4]2, [luo4xUan3]↓.
(3)  (As vb. suffix or as adv.) off, down: 脫 shed off: 失 lose (a handkerchief, watch);
drop out (by mistake);
sink into, drop down, degenerate;
,隕 die, fallen upon bad times, unsuccessful, withered;
drift about without fixed profession;
(of fame, movement) die out, be forgotten, decline.
(4)  To drop out by mistake: 了一個字 a word has been dropped out;
禮兒 a mistake or oversight in courtesy;
神 be absentminded.
(5)  To result in, end up in: 圈套 fall into trap;
這封信到他手 this letter has fallen into his hand;
空 (plans, endeavors) end up in nothing;
難 get into trouble, in distress;
(*[lao4]) receive comment: 褒貶 receive criticism;
不是 be condemned, criticised as wrong;
好兒 receive favorable comment;
除開消以外了幾塊錢 made a few dollars after expenses;
了不少油水 made a lot on the side as commission.
(6)  To set (ink, brush in writting, painting): 筆 to set pen on paper in given manner or style;
墨 set ink;
款 (*[lao4]) to put signature to scroll, including artist's name and that of recipient possibly also date;
賬 ([lao4]) enter item in account.
(7)  To stay, stop over: 棧 (coll.) stop at an inn for the night;
腳兒 (coll.) stop for a rest;
炕 sick confined to bed.
(8)  (*[lao4]) To drop down, drop out: 價 come down in price;
to fade: 色 fade in color;
([luo4]) to drop out of elections, army, tests, see 選,伍,[luo4xUan3], [luo4wu3], [luo4di4]2↓;
drop behind, [luo4hou4].↓.
Adj.(1)  Scarce, scattered, thinned out: 零,疏 scattered;
零零 bits here and there;
thinly populated.
Adv.See V.i. & t.3↑.
Words1. [luo4bang3], v.t., formerly, fail in civil examinations.
2. [luo4cheng2], v.i., (of buildings) completed: 成典禮 inauguration ceremony of new building.
3. [luo4di4]1, (1) be born: 地為兄弟 are born brothers; [luo4di4]1, (2) (*[lao4di4]) touching the ground: 地燈 floor lamp; 地窗 French window; 地式收音機 cabinet or console type radio set (as against desk type).
4. [luo4di4]2, v.i., fail in civil examinations.
5. [luo4hou4], v.i., fall behind in work; adj., behind times (in thinking), backward: 後國家 underdeveloped countries.
6. 花生 [luo4hua1sheng1], n., peanut.
7. [luo4huang1], n., take to the wilds: 荒而逃 be a fugitive from justice.
8. 價 *[lao4jia4]1, v.i., come down in price.
9. 架 *[lao4jia4]2, v.i., (of family) fall apart, decline.
10. [luo4kui2], n., (bot.) malaba nightshade, Basella rubra.
11. [luo4kong1], v.i., end up in nothing, suffer loss.
12. [luo4luo4], adj., as in 大方 very poised and dignified; 寡合 socially aloof; 零零 in piecemeal fashion.
13. [luo4mo4], adj., (1) aloof, alone; (2) off and on, in piecemeal fashion.
14. 腮鬍(子) [luo4sai1hu2] ([zi0]), n., whiskers on cheeks.
15. [luo4xUan3], v.i., fail to be elected or in competitive examinations.
16. [luo4ti3], n., (phys.) a falling body.
17. [luo4cao3] (*[lao4cao3]), v.i., to join the bandits: 草為寇 turn to banditry.
18. [luo4tuo4] (also pr., [luo4po4], wr. also [luo4po4]), adj., (1) down and out, be a failure, down-hearted; (2) ([luo4tuo4] usu. wr. 拓), unconventional, going one's own way.
19. 子 *[lao4zi0], (1) as in 子館兒 equiv. to cheap amusement park where singing, vaudeville shows are given; *[lao4zi0], (2) means of living: 窮得都沒子了 without means of subsistence.
20. [luo4wu3], v.i., drop behind others, become outdated, see [luo4hou4]↑.
21. 葉樹 [luo4ye4shu4], n., deciuous trees.





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