

ㄨㄢˋ [wan4
N. & adj.Ten thousand, used as a unit of counting: 百 million;
ten million;
or 億 hundred million;
倍 ten thousand fold;
把 about ten thousand;
used in sense of “all,” “myriads”:般,[wan4ban1], [wan4xiang4]↓;
民,[wan4min2], [wan4ren2]↓;
邦,[wan4bang1], [wan4guo2]↓;
目睽睽 all eyes centered on (s.t.);
眾一心 all united in one purpose;
眾燈火 a myriad lights in the valley;
劫不復 doomed eternally;
籟俱寂 all sounds of nature stopped-complete silence of the night.
Adv.Completely, a thousand times, under all circumstances: 難,[wan4nan2], [wan4qUan2]↓;
oft. coupled with negative: 千別忘記 under no circumstances forget;
無此理 certainly cannot be true;
不能 positively cannot;
不肯 positively unwilling;
不及 far inferior to;
勿推辭 please do not say “no”;
不可說 should under no circumstances tell;
無一失 cannot fail under any circumstances;
一, [wan4yi1], [wan4wan4]↓.
Words1. [wan4an1], (1) phr., (MC) do not worry: 你安,沒的事 don't worry, it is not true; (2) see [wan4qUan2]↓.
2. [wan4ba0], adj., about ten thousand.
3. [wan4ban1], (1) n., all, all kinds, all classes; (2) adv., extremely, to the last degree: 般無奈 absolutely bored.
4. [wan4bang1], phr., all nations.
5. [wan4qian1], adj., numberless, thousands and tens of thousands; 紫千紅 innumerable flowers of purple and red.
6. [wan4qUan2], adj., completely safe (plan).
7. [wan4duan1], n., innumerable (affairs, ways, manners).
8. [wan4fang1], adv., (1) by all sorts of methods (try to please, etc.); (2) in all countries (unsettled, etc.); (3) incomparably: 儀態方 distinguished air of elegance and coquetry.
9. [wan4fen1], adv., a thousand times (regret, ashamed), completely (satisfied).
10. [wan4fu2], phr., (1) wishing you all happiness-a formula like “good luck”; (2)福 formerly, a form of greeting by women, hands holding to sides of jacket.
11. [wan4guan4], n., formerly, ten million cash (貫 a string of 1,000 cash); 貫家私 a millionaire.
12. [wan4guo2], adj., international: 國博覽會 international exposition; 國公法 international law (now usu. 國際); 國郵政聯盟 Universal Postal Union (UPU).
13. [wan4gu3], adv., eternally: 古常新 eternally new; 古流芳 will be remembered throughout the ages.
14. 花茼 [wan4hua1tong3], n., kaleidoscope.
15. [wan4hua4], n., (LL) all creation.
16. [wan4hui4], n., all categories; see [wan4lei4]↓.
17. 機(幾) [wan4ji1], n., myriad affairs of the state attended to by the ruler (also wr. 幾).
18. [wan4jie2], n., (Budd.) all ages, eternity (劫 Sanskr. kalpa, an aeon).
19. [wan4ji2], adj., most urgent (telegram, etc.).
20. [wan4zhuang4], n., all kinds, shapes, manners; as adv., 危急狀 extremely critical.
21. [wan4jUn1], n., a superhuman load (a weight of 300,000 catties).
22. [wan4lei4], n., all categories; esp. birds and beasts of the creation.
23. 里長城 [wan4li1chang2cheng2], n., the Great Wall.
24. 里侯 [wan4li3hou2], n., (AC) governor of a great territory.
25. [wan4min2], n., the common people; 民傘 a souvenir parasol given to departing magistrate, with inscribed silk strips.
26. [wan4nan2], adj., extremely difficult (to deal with); certainly cannot (consent, follow, etc.).
27. [wan4neng2], adj., all-powerful: 科學能 science can do anything.
28. [wan4nian2], n., ten thousand years, also (AC) “Long live”; see [wan4sui4]↓; 年青 (bot.) a tough evergreen which requires very little attention, Rhodea japonica; 年曆 calendar good for any future year.
29. [wan4ren2], n., a myriad people; 人坑 mass grave; 人敵 warrior who could fight his way out and take on any challenger.
30. [wan4sheng4], n., as in 乘之主(之尊) an emperor (of “ten thousand chariots”).
31. [wan4xiang4], n., all things of the universe.
32. [wan4xing4]1, adj., unusually lucky.
33. [wan4xing4]2, n., all the people, (“myriad clans”).
34. [wan4shou4], n., as in 壽無疆 “long live for ever”-a form of greeting for birthdays; 壽菊 (bot.) Tagetes erecta.
35. 事通 [wan4shi4tong1], n., jack of all trades, expert at none.
36. [wan4sui4], n., (1) “Long live”(Japanese “banzai”); 歲 or 歲爺 (court. address) “His Majesty.”
37. [wan4wan4], adv., absolutely (not to forget, etc.); with negative: 不可 positively do not.
38. [wan4wu4]1, phr., positively do not (lose it!).
39. [wan4wu4]2, n., the creation, all living things.
40. [wan4wu2], phr., positively, absolutely no: 無一失 not a chance of an error.
41. [wan4yi1], (1) adv., just in case (“one in ten thousand”): 一他不來 just in case he does not come; (2) n., contingency: 準備一 provide for such an eventuality.
42. 應藥 [wan4ying4yao4], n., panacea.
43. [wan4you3], adj., all-comprehending, universal: 有引力 universal gravitation; 有皆靈說 animism.





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