

ㄇㄛˋ [mo4
N.(Rare) u.f. 暮 [mu4], late afternoon, late year.
Adv.Not, be not, do not (imperative mood, but more often subjunctive) in combination 不,非 “might it not be” in sense of conjecture: 說 don's say that;
要這樣 do not be like this;
管,教 (MC) do not let (s.t. happen);
不是,不成 could it be that? unless it be (his fault);
過(於) nothing is better than: 學問過於某君 no better scholar than Mr. X;
大於 nothing is greater, more important than;
大於心死 the greatest pity is the death of the human heart (Mencius), see following special phrases.
Words1. [mo4fei1], phr., unless it be: 非是他 perhaps it is he; 非是他錯了 perhaps it was his mistake; 普天之下,非王土 all this territory belongs to the king.
2. [mo4guai4], phr., it is not surprising that (the child will not eat, having eaten already): 怪人家這樣說你 so that is why people say this of you; 請怪 (modest) please do not blame me.
3. [mo4ming2], phr., difficult to express: 名其妙 (not 明) difficult to guess what it is all about; 感戴名 do not know how to express my gratitude.
4. [mo4ni4], adj., in 逆之交 friend with complete mutual understanding.
5. [mo4ruo4], [mo4ru2], conj. phr., nothing better than, it would be better to: 如回去,和他絕交 it is better to go home, to break relations with him; 以為天下己若也 (LL) thinks he has no equal in this world.
6. 須有 [mo4xU1you3], phr., famous decision of collaborator 秦檜 who had the great general 岳飛 killed by announcing these three words (三字獄) “it is unnecessary” to proffer charges or prove anything.





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