释义 |
假假 | 1278A25 91A.82-5 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad9.gif) | 畫數 11 | ㄐㄧㄚˇ [jia3] (*ㄐㄧㄚˋ [jia4] ). | N. | (1) A surname. (2) Falsehood, deception, opp. 真 truth-(fulness): 以假亂真 pass fake imitations for genuine. (3) (*[jia4]) Holiday, leave: 假期 [jia3qi2], 假日 [jia3ri4]↓; 放假 public holiday; 告假,請假 ask for a leave of absence; 例假 regular holiday; 公假 official leave; 病假 sick leave; 產假 maternity leave; 年假 New Year holidays; 暑假,寒假 summer, winter vacation.
| V.t. | Borrow, permit, allow, make use of, take advantage of: 假借 [jia3jie4], 假貸 [jia3dai4], 假托 [jia3tuo1]↓; 假道,假途 go (come) by way of; 假公濟私 gain private ends in public cause or by public money; 假以顏色 put on a pleasant face; 假以時日 give(n) sufficient time; 天不假年 (his) life was unfortunately cut short; 狐假虎威 a fox put on tiger’s skin-a bully with a coward's heart.
| Adj. | (1) False, fake, imitation: 假冒 [jia3mao4], 假充 [jia3chong1]↓; 假(頭)髮 wig (“false hair”); 假髻 woman's wig; 假牙 denture; 假撇清 pretend to have nothing to do with, make hypocritical gestures; 假模,假式(樣) (of things) imitation, (of persons) hypocritical; 假正經 hypocritical, dissembling (“pretend to be a saint”); 假老實 double-dealing, double-faced; 假仁假義 hypocritical (“pretend to be the paragon of virtue”); 假慈悲 pretending to be kindhearted. (2) Pretending: 假王,假皇帝 a pretender king. (3) (Law) conditional, tentative: 假扣押 provisional seizure; 假處分 provisional measures; 假決議 tentative resolution; 假釋 conditional release.
| Conj. | If, supposing: 假定 [jia3ding4], 假令 [jia3ling4], 假使 [jia3shi3], 假設 [jia3she4], 假如 [jia3ru2], 假若 [jia3ruo4]↓.
| Words | 1. 假扮 [jia3ban4], v.i., go in disguise, act the part of s.o. else. 2. 假期 *[jia4qi2], n., holidays, vacation. 3. 假充 [jia3chong1], v.i. & t., pretend: 假充正經 put on as a gentlemen; 假充內行 pretend to know what one does not. 4. 假貸 [jia3dai4], v.t., (1) borrow (money, etc.); (2) 假貸顏色 tolerate, bear with, indulge. 5. 假定 [jia3ding4], (1) n. & v.t., suppose, -sition; (2) conj., supposing, if (it be granted). 6. 假分數 [jia3fen1shu4], n., (math.) an improper fraction. 7. 假父 [jia3fu4], n., foster father. 8. 假高眼 [jia3gao1yan3], phr., one who poses as an expert. 9. 假招子 [jia3zhao1zi0], phr., (make) hypocritical gestures. 10. 假借 [jia3jie4], v.t., (1) borrow (money, bcoks, etc.); (2) use one Chin. character with similar pronunciation in place of another, used for (u.f.) in ancient works. 11. 假裝(兒) [jia3zhuang1] ([er0]), v.i., disguise, simulate. 12. 假柯子 [jia3ke1zi0], adj., hypocritical, dissembling. 13. 假令 [jia3ling4], conj., in case, in the event that. 14. 假冒 [jia3mao4], v.t., (of persons, things) pose as, pass for (the genuine), counterfeit: 假冒為善 be a hypocrite. 15. 假寐 [jia3mei4], v.i. & n., (take) a nap, siesta. 16. 假面 [jia3mian4], n., a mask: 假面具 (a) a mask; (b) hypocrisy. 17. 假母 [jia3mu3], n., foster mother. 18. 假若 [jia3ruo4], conj., supposing (that). 19. 假如 [jia3ru2], conj., ditto. 20. 假日 *[jia4ri4], n. see [jia4qi2]↑. 21. 假山 [jia3shan1], n., a rock garden. 22. 假設 [jia3she4], n. & conj., (1) n., hypothesis; n. & conj., (2) conj., supposing (that). 23. 假想 [jia2xiang3], n. & adj., & v.t., fancy: 假想敵 simulated enemy. 24. 假象 [jia3xiang4], n., (psych.) semblance, appearance. 25. 假性 [jia3xing4], adj., pseudo. 26. 假惺惺 [jia3xing1xing1], adj., hypocritical. 27. 假手 [jia2shou3], v.t., do by proxy. 28. 假釋 [jia3shi1], v.t., to free (a prisoner) on probation. 29. 假使 [jia2shi3], conj., if, in case. 30. 假數 [jia2su4], n., (math.) mantissa, the decimal part of a logarithm. 31. 假死 [jia2si3], (1) n., (med.) asphyxia; (2) v.i., pretend to be dead. 32. 假托 [jia3tuo1], v.i. & n., (make) false pretenses, (tell) a white lie. 33. 假子 [jia3zi3], n., (1) a foster son; (2) a stepson. 34. 假意 [jia3yi4], adj. & adv., pretended friendship or cordiality.