释义 |
值值 | 1251A20 91A.30-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄓˊ [zhi2] . [Usu. printed 值] | N. | Price, cost: 價值 value, price; 增值 increase in value; 貶值 devalue (currency).
| V.i. & t. | (1) Be one's turn, be on duty: 值日,值班,值勤 day or turn on duty; 輪值 take turns; 值事人 person on duty; 當值 take one's turn; 值星 one's turn on duty on Sunday. (2) Come upon, meet: 值天下雨 it happens to rain; 值他不在家 he happens to be not at home; 值此危急之秋 at such a critical time. (3) To cost or be worth (price): 值多少錢 how much does it cost? 價值千金 worth a thousand dollars: 值得,值錢 [zhi2de0], [zhi2qian2]↓.
| Words | 1. 值錢 [zhi2qian2], adj., valuable, worth money: 不值錢 worthless. 2. 值得 [zhi2de0], adj., worth it: 這件事值得費一番心 this matter is worth careful thinking; 值得研究 worth careful study; 真值得 really worth it ; 太不值得 not worth the trouble.