释义 |
苦苦 | 265C30 20A.40-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄎㄨˇ [ku3] | V.i. | Suffer from: 苦熱,(苦夏)suffer from the heat, (summer heat); 苦雨 troubled by too much rain; 苦于 suffer from: 苦于奔命 suffer from dashing about on duties.
| Adj. | (1) Bitter (lit. & fig.), hard, unlucky, painful: 苦味 bitter taste; 苦酒 bitters; 苦盡甘來 sweet are the fruits of labor (cf. “sweet are the uses of adversity”), luck turns after hardship; 同甘共苦 share good luck and ill (husband and wife); 苦命,命苦 hard luck; 痛苦 painful, causing suffering; 苦不堪言 suffer unspeakably; 苦樂 joy and sorrow; 苦中作樂 enjoy life though hard up; 艱 苦 20S.02, difficult (struggle); 過苦日子 be hard up; 苦過 ditto; 苦生意,苦買賣 business with very thin profits; 苦活兒 poorly paid living; 苦差 job with hard work and poor pay. (2) Hardworking: 辛苦,苦辛 do hard work (to make a living, etc.); 勞苦 to labor hard, see 勞苦91.50; 苦力,苦工 [ku3li4], [ku3gong1]↓; 下苦功 work hard (at lessons, etc.).
| Adv. | Hard, energetically: 苦幹 work hard; 苦讀,苦學 study hard; 苦勸 try one's best to persuade, convince; 苦口婆心 phr., ditto; 苦諫 earnest admonitions; 苦追 try hard to catch up with s.o.; 苦留 try hard to ask s.o. to stay; 苦戰,苦鬥 fight bitterly; 苦打 ditto, beat up terribly.
| Words | 1. 苦處 [ku3chu4], n., personal difficulty not always understood: 這是我的苦處 this is my difficulty. 2. 苦楚 [ku2chu3], n. & v.t., persecute (person): 苦楚自己 torture oneself unnecessarily; n., misery; pain, sorrow. 3. 苦窮 [ku3qiong2], adj., desperately poor, usu. said of oneself to stave off friends who come to borrow. 4. 苦瓜 [ku3gua1], n., (bot.) bitter gourd, Momordica charanta. 5. 苦工 [ku3gong1], n., hard labor, coolie: 做苦工. 6. 苦海 [ku2hai3], n., (Budd., said of human life) a sea of woes: 苦海無邊 the endless sea of tribulations; n., 脫離苦海 to escape from the human world of woes and find salvation. 7. 苦節 [ku3jie2], n., severe self-discipline, self-denial. 8. 苦衷 [ku3zhong1], n., real kind intentions, usually not expressed: 你不明白我的苦衷 you do not realize my motives; 訴苦衷 explain one's motives. 9. 苦竹 [ku3zhu2], n., (bot.) Japanese timber bamboo, Phyllostachys bambusoides. 10. 苦主 [ku2zhu3], n., relative of victim in a murder case. 11. 苦汁 [ku3zhi1], n., (chem.) bittern. 12. 苦口 [ku2kou3], (1) adj., bitter in taste; (2) as in 苦口(勸他),苦口婆心 remonstrate earnestly and kindly. 13. 苦苦 [ku2ku3], adv., hard, strenuously: 苦苦相勸 remonstrate earnestly; 苦苦追求 try hard to gain (some object). 14. 苦力 [ku3li4], n., coolie (special word in colonies for miners, porters, sedan chair carriers, etc.), manual laborer. 15. 苦 [ku3mai1] (Peking dial. also [qU3mai0], the sow thistle, Lactuca denticulata. 16. 苦惱 [ku2nao3], n. & adj., distress, misery; miserable (affair). 17. 苦難 [ku3nan4], n., distress, trials and tribulations: 人生的苦難 the trials of life. 18. 苦人 [ku3ren2], n., poor man; hand laborer. 19. 苦肉計 [ku3rou4ji4], n., a confidence game, a trick to gain s.t. by showing self-sacrifice in the beginning. 20. 苦參 [ku3shen1], n., (bot.) Sophora flavescens, a plant used as insecticide. 21. 苦相 [ku3xiang4], n., face of misery; physiognomy of hard luck. 22. 苦笑 [ku3xiao4], v.i. & n., (force) a bitter smile. 23. 苦心 [ku3xin1], adv., with patience and enduring resolve: 苦心孤詣 notable achievement after persistent work. 24. 苦刑 [ku3xing2]1, n., torture, third degree. 25. 苦行 [ku3xing2]2, n., (monk's) life of self-denial and mortification. 26. 苦水 [ku2shui3], n., “hard” water; water in some wells not fit for drinking (cf. 甜水 90S.21); 苦水子 (coll.) medicinal potion. 27. 苦死 [ku2si3], (1) adv., (=苦苦): as in 你苦死要來 you were determined to come regardless…; (2) adj., very miserable; (3) phr., in the worst circumstances: 苦死了每天也要給你兩頓飯吃 have to provide you two meals a day despite everything. 28. 苦頭(兒) [ku3tou2] ([er0]), (1) adj., mildly bitter: 井裡的水是苦頭的 this well water is slightly bitter; (2) n., as in 吃苦頭 experience hardship, suffer loss; 給他一點苦頭吃 give him a lesson. 29. 苦菜 [ku3cai4], n., (bot.) a term denoting various vegetables with mildly bitter taste, including Sonchus oleraceus. 30. 苦痛 [ku3tong4], n. & adj., pain, -ful: 心中苦痛 heartache; 苦痛不堪 suffer extremely. 31. 苦土 [ku2tu3], n., (chem.) magnesia; 煆苦土 calcined magnesia. 32. 苦子 [ku3zi0], n., see [ku3tou2](2)↑. 33. 苦業 [ku3ye4], n., (Budd.) normal sufferings of human life. 34. 苦窳 [ku2yU3], adj., (of industrial products) coarse, crude, of poor quality.