释义 |
苟苟 | 279A15 20A.50-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄍㄡˇ [gou3] | N. | A surname.
| Adj. | Negligent, frivolous, careless, heedless: 苟且 [gou3qie3]↓; 一絲不苟 meticulously attentive; 不苟言笑 discreet in speech and manner.
| Adv. | (1) Just, merely, barely: 苟全性命 barely manage to survive, remain alive; 苟延殘喘 just manage, to remain alive for a little while to prolong one's feeble existence, to eke out a meagre life. (2) Indiscriminately: 苟且,苟得,苟取 [gou3qie3], [gou3de2], [gou3qU3]↓.
| Conj. | If, if indeed: 苟非其人 if it's not the right man; 苟能如此 if it could be so; 苟志於仁矣 (AC) if indeed one is set on the pursuit of manhood; 苟不然 if it is not so; 苟非 if it were not that…, unless there be.
| Words | 1. 苟安 [gou3an1], v.i., (=苟且偷安) live in a fool's paradise, seek temporary peace. 2. 苟且 [gou2qie3], adj., (1) negligent, careless ( in work); (2) disregarding principles, temporizing: 苟且偷生 live on just for sake of remaining alive 苟且偷安 see [gou3an1]↑; (3) lax in morals, see [gou3he2]↓. 3. 苟取 [gou2qU3], adj., unscrupulous in accepting gifts, benefits. 4. 苟得 [gou3de2], n., illicit gains: 臨財勿苛得 be careful where the money comes from. 5. 苟合 [gou3he2], v.i., (1) to ally oneself for the sake of convenience; (2) have illicit sexual relations. 6. 苟活 [gou3huo2], v.i., just to remain alive at the sacrifice of principles or honor. 7. 苟 [gou2jian3], adj., slipshod. 8. 苟免 [gou2mian3], v.t., evade: 臨難勿苟免 do not compromise when confronted with personal danger. 9. 苟存 [gou3cun2], v.i., just manage to live an animal existence. 10. 苟同 [gou3tong2], v.i., agree for agreement's sake: 不敢苟同 dare not agree with you in such a serious matter.