释义 |
芝芝 | 292A50 20A.83-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄓ [zhi1] | N. | (1) A fabulous plant of fairyland: 靈芝,瑞芝 described as a mushroom with purplish stalk, good omen of long life. (2) Orchid=芝蘭 noted for fragrance and color; hence litr. symbol of fragrance, the gentleman, high character, see 芝蘭,芝艾 [zhi1lan2], [zhi1ai4]↓, (cf. 芷). (3) Sesame: 芝麻 [zhi1ma0]↓.
| Words | 1. 芝艾 [zhi1ai4], n., select flower and common grass: 芝艾俱焚 the good perishes with the bad. 2. 芝蘭 [zhi1lan2], n., a kind of orchid: (a) fragrance of saintly character: 如入芝蘭之室 pervading uplifting character of a moral gentleman; (b) in praise of another's children: 芝蘭子弟; (c) in praise of high-minded friend-ship: 芝蘭氣味. 3. 芝麻 [zhi1ma0], n., sesame (also wr. 芝麻) the plant or its seed; 芝麻細 insignificant amount or detail; 芝麻油 sesame oil; 芝麻醬 sesame sauce or paste. 4. 芝眉 [zhi1mei2], n., (LL court.) your distinguished appearance. 5. 芝顏 [zhi1yan2], n., ditto (oft. used in letters): 得賭芝顏 (LL) was able to see you.