释义 |
舟舟 | 1214B35 91.42 | 部居
| 畫數 6 | ㄓㄡ [zhou1] | N. | (LL) a boat, usu. rowboat, sailboat (cf. modn. 船 91S.40): 小舟,扁舟 a small rowboat; 漁舟 fishing boat; 舟車之苦 the hardships of a journey; 同舟共濟 those in the same boat (should) cooperate for the same aim.
| V.t. | (AC) 何以舟之 what shall one wear on the girdle?
| Words | 1. 舟楫 [zhou1ji2], n., (1) boats, boat traffic; n., (2) (AC) (fig.) pilot to weather a storm--i.e., good minister. 2. 舟人 [zhou1ren2], n., boatman. 3. 舟師 [zhou1shi1], n., (1) see [zhou1zi3]↓; (2) anc. navy. 4. 舟子 [zhou1zi3], n., boatman.