释义 |
舍舍 | 1091A40 81.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄕㄜˋ [she4] | N. | (1) A dwelling house, a simple home: 房舍,屋舍 house; 校舍 schoolhouse; 旅舍 an inn; 寒舍,舍下,舍間 my simple home; 茅舍 a thatched cottage; 精舍 small, elegant villa. (2) (AC) distance for one stopover for the night for army, said to be 30 [li1] or about 10 miles.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To stop over, to stop for rest. (2) To abandon (interch. 捨): 舍身=捨身, see 捨 10A.40 and its compp.
| Adj. | (Court.) my: 舍妹,舍弟,舍妻,舍姪 my sister, brother, wife, niece, etc.
| Words | 1. 舍間 [she4jian1]1, n., my humble home. 2. 舍監 [she4jian1]2, n., proctor of school dormitory, house matron in school. 3. 舍利 [she4li4], n., a Buddhist relic; 舍利子 a luminous stone reputed to come out of the ashes of Buddha's cremated body; 舍利鹽 (min.) magnesium sulphate. 4. 舍人 [she4ren2], n., (1) royal attendant, a rank such as 中書舍人,起居舍人; (2) gen. personal attendant or close relative; (3) (in Suhng and Yuarn Dyns.) son of nobility. 5. 舍下 [she4xia4], n., my home. 6. 舍次 [she4ci4], n., night stopping place of army. 7. 舍營 [she4ying2], n., barracks.