释义 |
舊舊 | 260B30 20A.21-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 18 | ㄐㄧㄡˋ [jiu4] . [Abbr. ] | N. | Friendship: 與之有舊 have long-standing friendship with him.
| Adj. | Old (opp. 新 new), former, past: 陳舊 old, antiquated, outmoded; 腐舊 worn-out, decayed; 破舊 broken-down, tattered (clothing); 舊曆 [jiu4li4]↓; 舊教 Catholicism (opp. 新教 Protestantism); 舊派 conservative, old-fashioned (people); 舊瓶裝新酒 new wine in old bottles; 棄舊迎新 replace the old with the new; 除舊佈新 ring out the old, ring in the new; 舊日 [jiu4ri4], 舊地 [jiu4di4]↓; 舊居 one's former dwelling house; 舊遊之地 old haunts; 舊部 [jiu4bu4], 舊故 [jiu4gu4], 舊觀 [jiu4guan1], 舊好 [jiu4hao3], 舊情 [jiu4qing2]↓; 舊事 [jiu4shi4]1↓; 舊業 family estate, old studies, an old pursuit; 舊例 old precedents; 舊調重彈 to repeat the same old tunes; 依舊 as of old; 仍舊,照舊 as usual; 守舊 conservative (-minded), old-fashioned.
| Words | 1. 舊案 [jiu4an4], n., (1) old archives, historical records; (2) a past event; (3) a dead issue; (4) an outstanding legal suit. 2. 舊部 [jiu4bu4], n., former subordinates, troops formerly under one's command. 3. 舊情 [jiu4qing2], n., (1) former friendship; (2) former condition or state. 4. 舊地 [jiu4di4], n., (1) an old site; (2) old haunts. 5. 舊都 [jiu4du1], n., (1) the former capital; (2) an old metropolis. 6. 舊惡 [jiu4e4], n., wicked deeds of the past, old grievances: 不念舊惡 forget old grudges. 7. 舊觀 [jiu4guan1], n., a thing's original form or appearance. 8. 舊故 [jiu4gu4], n., old friends or associates. 9. 舊好 [jiu4hao3], n., an old “pal.” 10. 舊恨 [jiu4hen4], n., remorse, regrets: 舊恨新愁 heartbreaking regrets and sad memories, old and new. 11. 舊家 [jiu4jia1], n., an old (respected) family. 12. 舊交 [jiu4jiao1], n., old friends (-ship). 13. 舊金山 [jiu4jin1shan1], n., San Francisco. 14. 舊曆 [jiu4li4], n., (1) the Lunar Calendar: 舊曆年 the Lunar New Year; (2) (of calendar) the Old Style. 15. 舊年 [jiu4nian2], n., (1) last year; (2) the Lunar New Year. 16. 舊日 [jiu4ri4], (1) n., the old days; (2) adv., formerly. 17. 舊書 [jiu4shu1], n., (1) old or secondhand books; (2) classical works. 18. 舊事 [jiu4shi4]1, n., an old matter. 19. 舊式 [jiu4shi4]2, adj., old-styled; n., old style. 20. 舊學 [jiu4xUe2], n., the classical learning, as opposed to modn. scientific knowledge. 21. 舊俗 [jiu4su2], n., old customs, folklore. 22. 舊族 [jiu4zu2], n., an old wellknown family. 23. 舊友 [jiu4you3], n., a friend of long standing, former associates. 24. 舊約 [jiu4yUe1], n., the Old Testament. 25. 舊雨 [jiu4yU3], n., an old friend or customer: 舊雨新知 (business) clients, old and new (from allu. in Tu Fu: 舊雨來,今雨不來).