

ㄒㄧㄥ [xing1 (*shihng). [Abbr. ]
N.(1)  (*[xing4]) Excitement, stimulation, joy, merriment: [xing1qU4]↓;
(adj. & n.) in high spirits, excited with joy;
,掃 dampen the fun or gaiety;
fully enjoy before quitting;
高采烈in high spirits.
(2)  (*[xing4]) A mood, impulse of the moment, keen desire to enjoy s.t.;
正濃 keen excitement of and for wine;
impulse for writing poetry;
a mood to enjoy some quiet pleasure (chess, wine, poetry, etc.);
spec., the impulse to write verse from some external experience;
頭,[xing1tou0], [xing1wei4]↓.
V.i.(1)  To get up: 夙夜寐 get up early and sleep late;
(2)  To rise, prosper: 起,盛 rise in power;
衰,替,亡 (as n.) the rise and fall (of nations).
(3)  To prevail, be popularly accepted: 得開,不開 will, will not sell well.
V.t.(1)  To raise, cause to rise, grow: 國,邦 to make a country strong;
兵 raise an army, start war;
干戈 start war;
財 make money;
利除弊,革 to start reforms;
土木 build many new buildings;
波作浪 to stir up trouble.
(2)  (Coll.) allow: 我不你說話 I don't permit you to talk.
Adj.(1)  Prosperous: 盛,旺,[xing1sheng4], [xing1wang4], [xing1long2]↓;
newly arisen: 新國家 a new nation;
事業 a new industry.
(2)  Popular: 現在正大沿草帽 broad-brimmed straw hat are now popular;
Words1. [xing1ban4], v.t., to establish (a factory, school, hospital, etc.).
2. [xing1bing1], v.i., raise an army, send army to battle.
3. [xing1qi3], v.i., (1) to spring up, rise in numbers: 學堂,盜賊起 schools, bandits, spring up; (2) to establish, found (institutions), start (reforms).
4. 趣 *[xing4qU4], n., interest (in study, music, etc.): 有十分趣 have great interest; 沒趣 show no interest; 鼓起,引起趣 arouse interest.
5. [xing1fen4], adj., excited; showing great energy and interest (in studies, etc.): 奮劑 a stimulant, (pep pills).
6. [xing1ge2], phr., from 利革弊 start reforms (“start the good and weed out the corrupt practices”).
7. [xing1gong1], v.i., to start construction.
8. 會 *[xing4hui4], n., proper mood (for painting, gaiety, etc.).
9. [xing1jian4], v.t., to build (schools, etc.).
10. 致 *[xing4zhi4], n., mood to enjoy (flowers, hobbies, wine, etc.).
11. [xing1jU1], n., a person's daily life (=起居).
12. [xing1long2], adj., (business) prosperous.
13. [xing1rong2], v.i., see [xing1bing1]↑.
14. [xing1sheng4], adj., prosperous, strong.
15. [xing1xiu1], v.t., to renovate (building).
16. [xing1shuai1], phr., the rise and fall.
17. [xing1shi1], v.i., see [xing1bing1]↑.
18. [xing1shi2], adj., popular at moment.
19. [xing1xU3], adv., (coll.) perhaps: 今天他許 (=也許) 不來了 perhaps he will not show up today.
20. [xing1song4], v.i., start lawsuit.
21. [xing1ti4], phr., see [xing1shuai1]↑.
22. 頭 *[xing4tou2], n., a fine mood to enjoy: 今天他頭不淺 he is in a fine mood today; 頭兒 the moment of impulse, a great mood.
23. [xing1zuo4], v.t., to start constructions.
24. [xing1wang0], adj., (business, country) prosperous.
25. [xing1wang2], n., the rise and fall.
26. 味 *[xing4wei4], n., keen interest (for game of cards, poetry, etc.).





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