释义 |
與與 | 1165B05 90.80 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄩˇ [yU3] (*ㄩˋ [yU4] ). [Abbr. ,与] | V.i. & t. | (1) To give: 與他,與我 give him, me; 付與,交與 give to; 與人方便 give help to others. (2) (LL) to wait: 歲不我與 time waits for no man. (3) (LL) to share: 民胞物與 the people are my brothers and I share the life of all creation. (4) To get along with: 易與 easy to get along with. (5) (*[yU4]) To take part in: 與會 attend meeting; 與聞 take part in discussion (of plans); 參與 take part in, cooperate.
| Prep. | To, with, for (varying according to context): (a) to, in formula (vb. +與): 送與 give to (person); 加與 add to (it), apply to; (b) for (與+pron.): 與我想想 think for me; 與虎謀皮 “ask a tiger for its hide”--a doomed petition; (c) with: 與人相爭 compete with others; 與眾不同 different “with” (from) the others; 與世浮沉 sink or swim (tag along) with the trend of the times; together with: 同與,共與; 與日俱增 to grow with each passing day.
| Conj. | (1) And 你與我 you and I. (2) Rather: 與 or 與其 [yU3qi2]↓.
| Excl. | U.f. 歟 90S.81.
| Words | 1. 與其 [yU3qi2], conj., rather than: 與其…寧願…(寧可) or 與…其不如: 與其年年賠錢,寧可 (or 不如) 停業 rather than suffer an annual deficit, it would be better to close up the business. 2. 與黨 [yU2dang3], n., partner, partisan. 3. 與奪 [yU3duo2], phr., (the power) to give or take away. 4. 與共 [yU3gong4], adv., together with (s.o.). 5. 與國 [yU3guo2], n., (LL) friendly power.