释义 |
臥臥 | 769B15 51S.22-2 | ㄨㄛˋ [wo4] | V.i. | (1) To lie down: 臥軌 lie down on railway tracks; 橫臥 lie across; 高臥 (of great men) to stay away from politics; 臥薪嘗膽 to “sleep on woodpile and taste gall”- (allu.) endure hardships to accomplish some ambition. (2) To sleep: 一夜不臥 go without sleep the whole night; 臥病 [wo4bing4]↓; 臥榻 [wo4ta4], etc.↓.
| Words | 1. 臥病 [wo4bing4], v.i., to be confined in bed. 2. 臥車 [wo4che1], n., sleeping car. 3. 臥起 [wo4qi3], v.i., (LL) go to bed and get up as part of daily routine. 4. 臥底 [wo4di3], v.i., (of thieves, etc.) to act from inside, do inside job. 5. 臥房 [wo4fang2], n., bedroom. 6. 臥具 [wo4jU4], n., beddings, pillows, etc. 7. 臥龍 [wo4long2], n., a great man compared to a “sleeping dragon.” 8. 臥內 [wo4nei4], n., (AC) bedroom. 9. 臥舖 [wo4pu4], n., sleeping berth. 10. 臥人兒 [wo4re2er0], n., the character 人, index No. 81; dist. the upright radical, index No.91A. 11. 臥室 [wo4shi4], n., bedroom. 12. 臥榻 [wo4ta4], n., (LL)bed. 13. 臥蠶眉 [wo4can2mei2], n., slender arched eyebrow. 14. 臥游 [wo4you2], v.i., to dream of travelling in bed. 15. 臥魚兒 [wo4yUe2er0], n., (Chin. opera) a posture of sleep.
臥 | 771C45 51S.81-8 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄨㄛˋ [wo4] . [Printed form of 臥 51S.22] |