释义 |
臣臣 | 745C20 51.21-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄔㄣˊ [chen2] | N. | (1) A minister visa1vis 君 the ruler; a public servant: 忠臣,奸臣 a loyal, disloyal minister; 人臣 a minister at court; 大臣 minister of state, high minister. (2) Subject or servant owing allegiance to the ruler: 臣民,臣僕,臣下 [chen2min2], [chen2pu2], [chen2xia4]↓; used by minister in self-reference when speaking to emperor, like Eng. “Your servant.”
| V.t. | (1) (LL) to subjugate or be subjugated: 臣服 [chen2fu2]↓; 以力臣天下 to subjugate world by force. (2) (LL) to regard as subject: 王臣公,公臣大夫 (AC) the king is lord to the duke, and the duke is lord to the barons.
| Words | 1. 臣妾 [chen2qie4], n., (AC) male and female servants. 2. 臣服 [chen2fu2], v.i., to swear allegiance to another. 3. 臣工 [chen2gong1], n., (AC) the ministers and officials (under a king). 4. 臣僚 [chen2liao2], n., the officials at court. 5. 臣民 [chen2min2], n., the subjects of a ruler. 6. 臣僕 [chen2pu2], n., officials as servants to the king. 7. 臣下 [chen2xia4], n., self-reference of minister to king. 8. 臣庶 [chen2shu4], n., all the king's subjects. 9. 臣事 [chen2shi4], v.t., to owe allegiance as subject or vassal. 10. 臣子 [chen2zi3], n., official as subject to the king.