释义 |
膚膚 | 326A10 21A.42 | 部居
| 畫數 15 | ㄈㄨ [fu1] | N. | Human skin: (vern.) 皮膚髮膚 hair and skin; 切膚之痛 hurt in most intimately close manner; 膚受之愬 (AC) rumor to smear which hurts intimately; 不膚撓 (AC) do not flinch from blows.
| Adj. | (1) Skin-deep: 膚淺 [fu1qian3]↓. (2) Vague, superficial, see 膚泛,膚廓 [fu1fan4], [fu1guo2]↓. (3) great, admirable: 膚功 (AC) great achievement; 膚敏 (AC) handsome and agile of body.
| Words | 1. 膚淺 [fu1qian3], adj., superficial, “skin-deep” (of knowledge, discussion). 2. 膚泛 [fu1fan4], adj., vague (cf. 浮泛 63A.00). 3. 膚廓 [fu1guo2], adj., (LL) grandiloquent, impractical.