释义 |
腸腸 | 714A15 42A.50-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄔㄤˊ [chang2] | N. | (1) Intestines: 直腸 rectum; 大腸 lower intestines; 小腸 intestines; 十二指腸 duodenum; 肥腸 fatty and stuffed intestines. (2) Sausage: 香腸,臘腸 ditto. (3) (Intestines as seat of emotions like “heart” in Eng.) deep emotions, esp. of longing: 心腸 heart; 好心腸 a good heart, “bowels of mercy”; 壞腸子 a wicked heart; 斷腸 broken heart (“broken intestines”); 斷腸人 one broken-hearted; 肝腸寸斷 sorrow-stricken (“gall and intestines broken to bits”); 盪氣迴腸 agitated (“in the intestines”); 肝腸 esp. courage (“liver and intestines,” see 肝 42A.10); 腸肚 [chang2du4]↓.
| Words | 1. 腸出血 [chang2chu1xie3], n., (med.) intestinal bleeding, enterorrhagia. 2. 腸穿孔 [chang2chuan1kong3], n., perforated intestines, enterobrosia. 3. 腸肚 [chang2du4], n., similar to Eng. “heart”; also 肚腸:好肚腸 a good heart; 牽腸掛肚 infinite longing; 直肚腸 straight-for-ward. 4. 腸結核 [chang2jie1he2], n., (med.) Phthisis abdominalis. 5. 腸胃 [chang2wei4], n., appetite; digestive system: 腸胃不好 lose appetite. 6. 腸炎 [chang2yan2], n., (med.) enteritis, bowel catarrh.