释义 |
腦腦 | 711C40 42A.41-9 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄋㄠˇ [nao3] | N. | (1) (Physiol.) the brain: 大腦 the cerebrum; 小腦 the cerebellum; 腦震盪 concussion of the brain; 電腦 computer; 腦滿腸肥 (derog.) a person with a fair round belly and a swelled head. (2) Head: 主腦 the mastermind; 首腦人物 leading personages; 首腦 head, leader. (3) Brains: 此人很有頭腦 this man has brains: 用頭腦 use your head; 沒頭沒腦 listless, absent-minded, without any clues.
| Words | 1. 腦出血 [nao3chu1xUe4] (naau-chu-shiee), n., (med.) apoplexy, a stroke; brain hemorrhage. 2. 腦充血 [nao3chong1xUe4] (naau-chung-shiee), n., (med.) Hyperemia cerebri, cerebral blood obstruction. 3. 腦袋 [nao3dai4], n., (physiol.) the cranium: 腦袋瓜子,腦袋瓜兒 (sl.) s.o.’s block. 4. 腦蓋(兒) [nao3gai4] ([nao3ga4er0]), n., the top of the skull, cranium. 5. 腦瓜(子)(兒) [nao3gua1] ([zi0]) ([er0]), n., the head: 腦瓜頂兒 the crown of the head. 6. 腦海 [nao2hai1], n., the brain, the mind. 7. 腦漿 [nao3jiang1], n., the substance of the brain. 8. 腦積水 [nao3ji1shui3], n., hydrophalus. 9. 腦筋 [nao3jin1], n., (1) the cranial nerves; (2) brains, intelligence, mental ability: 用腦筋 do a lot of thinking; 傷腦筋 (s.t.) requires a lot of careful thinking, vexations. 10. 腦汁 [nao3zhi1], n., (1) (=腦漿) the substance of the brain; (2) the cranial nerves: 絞腦汁 doing feverish mental work, engaged in mental drudgery. 11. 腦殼 [nao3ke2], n., the skull. 12. 腦兒 [nao3er0], n., (1) the brain of an animal; (2) any semi-liquid substance: 豆腐腦兒 semi-congealed bean curd. 13. 腦力 [nao3li4], n., mental power, intelligence. 14. 腦門(子)(兒) [nao3men2] ([zi0]) ([nao3merer0]), n., the forehead. 15. 腦膜 [nao3mo2], n., (phys.) the three membranes that envelop the brain and the spinal cord; n., 腦膜炎 [nao3mo2yan2], n., (med.) meningitis. 16. 腦瓢兒 [nao3piao2er0], n., the pate: 亮腦瓢兒 a shining pate; 禿腦瓢兒 a baldhead. 17. 腦貧血 [nao3pin2xUe4] ([nao3pin2xie3]), n., (med.) Anaemia cerebri, anemia in the brain. 18. 腦勺(子)(兒) [nao3shao2] ([zi0]) ([er0]), n., the hind part of the head. 19. 腦下垂體 [nao3xia4chui1ti3], n., pituitary gland. 20. 腦血管血栓症 [nao3xUe4guan3xUe4qUan2zheng4], n., cerebral artery thrombosis. 21. 腦髓 [nao2sui2], n., the substance of the brain. 22. 腦子 [nao3zi0], n., (1) the brain; (2) mental power, intelligence: 沒腦子 no brains. 23. 腦炎 [nao3yan2], n., (med.) encephalitis. 24. 腦溢血 [nao3yi4xUe4] (naau-yih-shiee), n., (med.) apoplexy, a stroke.