释义 |
脫脫 | 716B50 42A.70-8 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄊㄨㄛ [tuo1] | V.i. & t. | (1) To cast off, take off: 脫去,脫下來 take off, strip off; 脫卸,脫掉 [tuo1xie4], [tuo1diao4]↓; 脫衣 to strip; 脫衣舞 strip tease; 脫衣舞女 stripteaser; 脫膊,脫光 strip naked; 脫帽 take off one's hat; 脫毛 (髮) lose hair; 脫殼 hatch (as chicken), come out of egg. (2) To escape (danger): 脫出 escape; 脫險,脫難 escape from crisis or accident; 脫網 escape from encirclement, physical or legal; 金蟬脫殼 (phr.) cicada leaving behind its cast-off part in molting, a disappearance act from an entangled situation; 脫口而出 words escape from one's lips, speak by impulse or without forethought; 脫口成章 speak beautifully (worthy to be written down); 脫手 [tuo1shou3]↓. (3) To drop out, drop out by mistake: 脫漏,脫誤 [tuo1lou4], [tuo1wu4]↓; 脫韁野馬 uncontrollable as wild horse without bridle.
| Vb.suffix. | Off: 失脫,遺脫 lose, drop (line, words, in printing); 虛脫 so weak as to be prostrate; 卸脫 cast off (responsibility); 逃脫 effect an escape.
| Adv. | (MC) perhaps: 脫使可行 perhaps it can be done.
| Words | 1. 脫班 [tuo1ban1], v.i., miss schedule (of train, etc.). 2. 脫腸 [tuo1chang2], n., prolapsus of the rectum, hernia. 3. 脫黨 [tuo1dang3], v.i., renounce party membership. 4. 脫掉 [tuo1diao4], v.t., discard, take off (dress). 5. 脫幅 [tuo1fu2], v.i., (AC) dispute between husband and wife. 6. 脫稿 [tuo1gao3], v.i., finish manuscript, ready for printing. 7. 脫肛 [tuo1gang1], n., see [tuo1chang2]↑. 8. 脫滑(兒) [tuo1hua2], ([er0]), adj., slippery (character). 9. 脫節 [tuo1jie2], v.i., lose continuity or proper contact, become disjointed. 10. 脫臼 [tuo1jiu4], v.i., (med.) (be) dislocate (-ed.) 11. 脫籍 [tuo1ji2], v.i., drop party membership (黨籍) or nationality (國籍); formerly, (of women sold or sentenced to become singsong girls) be officially released from profession (妓籍). 12. 脫開 [tuo3kai0], v.i., to get away, be separated from. 13. 脫空 [tuo1kong1], v.i., come out a loser or without results; (of plan, promise) fail. 14. 脫懶(兒) [tuo1lan3] ([tuo1la3er0]), v.i., play hooky, escape from duty, also [tuo2lan3]. 15. 脫離 [tuo1li2], v.i., to escape from, sever connections, leave, separate from: 脫離關係 break off relations; 脫離現實 divorced from reality. 16. 脫漏 [tuo1lou4], v.i. & t., be dropped by mistake (of words, letters in printing). 17. 脫落 [tuo1luo4], v.i. & t., drop, fall off (as hair, leaves). 18. 脫略 [tuo1lUe4], adj., unrestrained. 19. 脫卯 [tuo1mao3], v.i., miss roll call. 20. 脫毛的 [tuo1mao2de0], n. & adj., depilatory. 21. 脫然 [tuo1ran2], adj. & adv., free, untrammeled. 22. 脫灑 [tuo1sa3], adj., easy and unrestrained; handsome in manner. 23. 脫身 [tuo1shen1], v.i., get away: 不得脫身,脫不開身 cannot get away (from business). 24. 脫險 [tuo1xian3], v.i., escape from crisis, danger, accident. 25. 脫孝 [tuo1xiao4], v.i., pass the period of mourning. 26. 脫卸 [tuo1xie4], v.t., shake off (duty, etc.). 27. 脫屣 [tuo1xi3], n., cast off slippers--s.t. of no consequence. 28. 脫手 [tuo1shou3], v.i., get rid of, sell (property, stocks). 29. 脫水 [tuo1shui3], v.i. & n., dehydrate, -tion. 30. 脫粟 [tuo1su4], n., hulled but not yet polished rice. 31. 脫俗 [tuo1su2], v.i., shake off, not be bound by conventions (of person's character). 32. 脫胎(兒) [tuo1tai1] (tuo-ta-’l), v.i., (lit.) “come from a certain placenta,” to compose by borrowing the form of some anc. model but changing the subject--curiously approved in art of composition from emphasis on copying ancients; also 脫胎換骨. 33. 脫套 [tuo1tao4], v.i., do not observe formalities. 34. 脫逃 [tuo1tao2], v.i., to escape. 35. 脫體 [tuo1ti3], v.i., (1) shake off disease and get well; (2) (of Chin. characters) be written out of shape. 36. 脫兔 [tuo1tu4], phr., (fast as) an escaped hare. 37. 脫網 [tuo1wang3], v.i., escape net or encirclement. 38. 脫誤 [tuo1wu4], v.i., drop out (word or letter) by mistake. 39. 脫穎 [tuo1ying3], v.i., (allu.) you cannot keep a good man down (as the “awl-point finds its way out of pocket”).