释义 |
脣脣 | 759A00 51A.42-3 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad130.gif) | 畫數 11 | ㄔㄨㄣˊ [chun2] . [Pop. var.唇] | N. | The lip (s): 脣亡齒寒 (AC) with bared lips, the teeth feel cold-interdependence of neighboring states; 脣齒,脣舌 [chun2chi3], [chun2she2]↓: 酒不沾脣 never touch wine (“wet lips”with wine); 脣乾口燥 (talk until) lips are dry and mouth is parched; 缺脣 harelipped.
| Words | 1. 脣齒 [chun2chi3], n., 脣齒相依 close interdependence. 2. 脣脂 [chun2zhi1], n., (LL) lipstick, rouge (modn. 口紅). 3. 脣舌 [chun2she2], n., (1) dispute; (2) prattle: 大費脣舌 takes a lot of talking (to convince).