释义 |
胡胡 | 160B15 10S.42-4 | 部居
| 畫數 9 | ㄏㄨˊ [hu2] | N. | (1) Northern tribes, including Tartars, Mongols, Turkics: 胡狄 [hu2di2]↓; 五胡亂華 the five northern tribes invaded and occupied North China in 4th, 5th and 6th centuries. (2) A surname.
| Adv. | (1) (AC) why (=modn. 何): 胡不歸 why not go (come) home; 胡以,胡為 [hu2yi3], [hu2wei2]↓; 作此胡為,此胡為者 what is this for? (2) Without law, order or reason, recklessly, blindly, foolishly: 胡花 spend money foolishly; 胡來,胡搞 [hu2lai2], [hu2gao3]↓; 胡亂,胡鬧 [hu2luan4], [hu2nao4]↑; 胡說 [hu2shuo1]↓; oft. coupled with 亂:胡思亂想 let mind wander, entertain foolish ideas; 胡言亂語 talk foolishly; 胡作非為 commit foolish acts.
| Words | 1. 胡柴 [hu2chai2], v.t., (MC) for 胡說 talk foolishly. 2. 胡纏 [hu2chan2], v.i. & t., persist in arguing or criticizing endlessly, pursue (girl) in annoying manner. 3. 胡琴(兒) [hu2qin2] ([hu2qie0er0]), n., string instrument used in Peking opera. 4. 胡蝶 [hu2die2], n., (=蝴蝶) butterfly. 5. 胡狄 [hu2di2], n., northern tribesmen. 6. 胡豆 [hu2dou4], n., (bot.) horse bean, broad bean (also called 蠶豆). 7. 胡蜂 [hu2feng1], n., (zoo.) a kind of wasp, Vespa ducalis. 8. 胡搞 [hu2gao3], v.i. & t., make a mess of (things), act without plan or proper knowledge. 9. 胡瓜 [hu2gua1], n., (bot.) a variety of cucumber, Cucumis sativus (also called 黃瓜). 10. 胡笳 [hu2jia1], n., a reed pipe used by Tartars and other northern tribes. 11. 胡攪 [hu2jiao3], n. & v.i., (1) tomfoolery, create a disorder; (2) (also pr. [hu2gao3]) see [hu2gao3]↑. 12. 胡椒 [hu2jiao1], n., pepper. 13. 胡來 [hu2lai2], v.i., act unreasonably or thoughtlessly. 14. 胡裡胡塗 [hu2li0hu2tu0], adv., in disorderly fashion (also wr. 糊裡). 15. 胡嚕 [hu2lu0], v.i., (1) to soothe child by rubbing where it is hurt; (2) to make a crashing noise: 胡魯倒地下去 send crashing to the ground; (3) fuss about, muddle through: 八下裡橫胡嚕著 muddle through (too many concurrent jobs). 16. 胡亂 [hu2luan4], adv., anyhow, carelessly: 胡亂過一夜 pass the night without proper sleep; 胡亂吃下去 eat a meal without thinking. 17. 胡蘿蔔 [hu2luo2bo0], n., (bot.) the carrot. 18. 胡盧 [hu2lu2], v.i., as in 胡盧大笑 roar with laughter. 19. 胡嚨 [hu2long2], n., the throat (also called 喉嚨 [hou2long2]). 20. 胡虜 [hu2lu3], n., (contempt.) northern barbarians. 21. 胡麻 [hu2ma2], n., (bot.) linseed, sesame. 22. 胡鬧 [hu2nao4], v.i., commit tomfoolery, make irresponsible talk or action. 23. 胡哨 [hu2shao4], n., a whistle call. 24. 胡說 [hu2shuo1], v.t., talk nonsense, rubbish: 胡說八道 ditto; 信口胡說 talk recklessly. 25. 胡蒜 [hu2suan4], n., garlic and leeks. 26. 胡荽 [hu2sui1], n., (bot.) coriander, an aromatic plant. 27. 胡桃 [hu2tao2], n., the walnut. 28. 胡梯 [hu2ti2], n., a ladder (also 扶梯 [fu2ti2]). 29. 胡同 [hu2tong4], n., a [hu1tong1], an alley in Peiping (also wr. 衚衕). 30. 胡塗 [hu2tu2]1 ([hu2tu0]), adj. & adv., (1) muddle-headed, slow-witted; (2) haphazardly, slipshod: 胡塗了事 wind up a case or finish a job carelessly. 31. 胡突 [hu2tu2]2, adv., see [hu2tu2]1↑. 32. 胡謅 [hu2zou1], v.i., talk nonsense, rubbish, fabricate (stories). 33. 胡為 [hu2wei2], adv., (LL) why: 胡為至此 why brought to this pass? 34. 胡以 [hu2yi3], adv., why: 胡以如此 why so, why this?