释义 |
肩肩 | 1043C35 63D.42-4 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄐㄧㄢ [jian1] | N. | The shoulder: 雙肩 the shoulders; 肩膀 [jian1bang3]↓; 肩膀兒寬 have large circles of friends; 肩摩轂擊 overcrowded with people and traffic; 肩頭 [jian1tou2], 肩胛 [jian1jia3]↓; 一肩擔載 assume full responsibility; 肩章 [jian1zhang1], 肩帶 [jian1dai4]↓; 並肩 shoulder to shoulder; 比肩 ditto; 鐵肩擔道義 be a champion of righteousness and justice.
| V.t. | (Lit. & fig.) to shoulder (responsibility), take on the shoulders: 肩負 [jian1fu4], 肩荷 [jian1he4]↓; 肩挑 carry on the shoulder; 肩輿 [jian1yU2]↓; 肩鎗 carry arms.
| Words | 1. 肩膀 [jian1bang3], n., the shoulders: 有肩膀 willing to shoulder responsibilities. 2. 肩帶 [jian1dai4], n., a shoulder belt. 3. 肩負 [jian1fu4], v.t., assume responsibility for, carry (a burden). 4. 肩荷 [jian1he4], v.t., (lit. & fig.) carry on the shoulder. 5. 肩章 [jian1zhang1], n., an epaulet. 6. 肩胛 [jian1jia3], n., the shoulder blade. 7. 肩頭 [jian1tuo2], n., the shoulders. 8. 肩輿 [jian1yU2], n., a sedan chair, palanquin.