释义 |
肥肥 | 716A05 42A.70-5 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄈㄟˊ [fei2] | N. | (1) Fertilizer: 糞肥 natural fertilizer; 氮肥 nitrogen fertilizer, etc, see 肥料 [fei2liao4]↓. (2) Spoils: 分肥 divide the spoils or illegal gain.
| V.t. | To enrich in 肥己“fatten oneself” by illegal transactions; cf. 中飽 81B.70.
| Adj. | (1) Fat, greasy, well-bred, see compp.↓. (2) Fertile (of soil): 肥田,肥地. (3) Fat (jobs): 肥差,肥缺 official post with good (usu. illegal) revenue; 肥年 a prosperous year.
| Words | 1. 肥蠢 [fei1chun3], adj., fat and stupid; awkwardly fat. 2. 肥大 [fei2da4], adj., plump; 肥大症 hypertrophy. 3. 肥遯 [fei2dun4], v.i., (LL) retire in comfort. 4. 肥甘 [fei2gan1], adj. & n., things good to eat, delicacies. 5. 肥料 [fei2liao4], n., fertilizer; 化學肥料 chemical fertilizer. 6. 肥美 [fei2mei3], n., plump; well-fed (of horses, etc.); rich (soil). 7. 肥膩 [fei2ni4], n., rich, greasy (food). 8. 肥胖 [fei2pang4], n., fat, plump (of person); 肥胖症 obesity. 9. 肥饒 [fei2rao2], adj., rich (soil). 10. 肥潤 [fei2run4], n., sleek, smooth and glossy. 11. 肥瘦(兒) [fei2sou3], ([er0]) n., width of gown, girth: 肥瘦得中 good figure (not too slender or plump); half lean pork. 12. 肥田粉 [fei2tian2fen3], n., chemical fertilizer, potassium sulphate. 13. 肥皁 [fei2zao4], n., soap; 肥皁粉 soap powder; detergent. 14. 肥沃 [fei2wo1], adj., (LL) rich (soil).