释义 |
肉肉 | 1093C45 81.42 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄖㄡˋ [rou4] (re. pr. *ㄖㄨˋ [ru4] ). | N. | (1) Meat, flesh: 肉兒 [rou4er0]↓; 筋肉 flesh; 肌肉 muscles; 肉皮兒 the human skin; 肉體 [rou4ti3]↓; 靈肉 body and soul; 肉慾 [rou4yU4]↓; 肉麻 [rou4ma2]↓; 肉感 [rou4gan3]↓; 肉痛 [rou4tong4]↓; 肉癢討打 (of childern) so naughty as to invite parental discipline; 心驚肉跳 trembling with fear; 親骨肉 one's own flesh and blood; 肉泥爛醬 (of the human body) mutilated and bloody; 肉嘟嘟的 fleshy, fat; 肉球 so fat as to look like a ball of flesh; 肉勒咕咭 fat and clumsy, stout, corpulent, portly; 豬肉 pork; 羊肉 mutton; 牛肉 beef; 雞鴨魚肉 delicacies, meat and fish; 肥肉,瘦肉 fat, lean meat; 肉核兒 the choicest portion of meat, fillet; 肉皮 pork skin; 皮肉生涯 the life of a prostitute; 碎肉 meat cut into small pieces; 肉頭兒 odd pieces of meat; 肉星兒 a tiny bit of meat; 肉釘兒 meat cut into small cubes; 肉片兒 meat cut into thin slices; 肉絲兒 meat cut into small threads; 肉醬 minced meat; 肉汁 meat broth; 肉乾 dried sliced meat; 肉脯兒 [rou4pu3]↓; 臘肉 dried, salted meat; 烤肉 roast, barbecue; 肉鬆 [rou4song1], 肉餅 [rou4bing3]↓; 肉饅頭 steamed bread with meat stuffing; 肉包子(兒)ditto; 肉丸 (子),肉圓 (子) [rou4wan2]([zi0]), [rou4yU1an2]([zi0])↓; 肉槓 meat stall; 肉案子 a counter where meat is sold; 肉店 a butcher shop. (2) The flesh of fruits or vegetables: 果肉 fruit pulp.
| Pron. | My own (darling): 肉兒 darling child; 我的肉兒 my dear son, also used in love-making.
| Adj. | (1) Spongy: 這西瓜瓤兒太肉 (coll.) the pulp of this water-melon is too flabby. (2) Slow moving: 肉得慌 (coll.) so slow as to make you despair.
| Words | 1. 肉報子 [rou4bao4zi0], n., (sl.) one fond of passing gossip. 2. 肉筆 *[ru4bi3], n., (LL) a hand-drawn picture or hand-written book as distinct from a printed one. 3. 肉餅 [rou4bing3], n., meat ball. 4. 肉白骨 *[ru4bo2gu3], phr., (AC, rhet.) resuscitate, give life to the people once more. 5. 肉丁 [rou4ding1], n., (1) a boil, an ulcer (also 肉疔); (2) cubed pork or chicken. 6. 肉豆蔻 [rou4dou4kou4], n., (bot.) the common nutmeg. 7. 肉粉 [rou4fen3], n., fertilizer made of dried meat ground into powder. 8. 肉感 [rou4gan3], n., sensuality, sensual attraction, sex appeal. 9. 肉冠 [rou4guan1], n., the comb, the red fleshy crest of fowl. 10. 肉桂 [rou4gui4] (*[ru4gui4]), n., cinnamon. 11. 肉好 [rou4hao4] (*[ru4hao4]), n., (sl.) a hole in the flesh, said of hole of anything in a circle. 12. 肉紅 [rou4hong2] (*[ru4hong2]) n., (1) pinkish color like that of the human flesh; (2) (Chin. med.) the bark of the Chinese redbud. 13. 肉柱 [rou4zhu4], n., (physiol.) the adductor muscle. 14. 肉芝 [rou4zhi1], n., a kind of mushroom-like plant. 15. 肉兒 [rou4er0], n., (1) meat, flesh; (2) darling: 我的肉兒 “my own flesh”. 16. 肉麻 [rou4ma2], adj., (1) numb (feeling); (2) vulgar and coarse, giving one the creeps: 把肉麻當有趣 mistake coarseness for being funny. 17. 肉票(兒) [rou4piao4]([er0]), n., a person held for ransom. 18. 肉搏 [rou4po2] (*[ru4po2]), n., hand-to-hand combat. 19. 肉脯 [rou4pu3], n., dried meat in threads; 肉脯兒 said of portly, obese person. 20. 肉色 [rou4shai3], n. & adj., flesh color, flesh-colored. 21. 肉身 [rou4shen1], n., (Budd.) the physical mortal body; the flesh. 22. 肉聲 [rou4sheng1], n., vocal singing. 23. 肉刑 *[ru4xing2], n., ancient punishment including physical mutilation. 24. 肉食 *[ru4shi2], adj., flesh-eating, carnivorous: 肉食獸 carnivorous animalsl; 肉食者 (AC) the well-fed officials. 25. 肉蕈 [rou4xUn4], n., white mushrooms. 26. 肉穗花 [rou4sui1hua1], n., (bot.) a spadix. 27. 肉鬆 [rou4song1], n., dried fluffy meat. 28. 肉袒 *[ru4tan3], v.i., (allu.) bare one's back to be threshed to show contrition. 29. 肉胎 [rou4tai1], n., (Budd.) mummy of a dead monk's body. 30. 肉體 [rou4ti3], n., the human body. 31. 肉頭 [rou4tou0], adj., soft, fleshy. 32. 肉蓯蓉 [rou4cong1rong2], n., (bot.) Boschniakia glabra. 33. 肉痛 [rou4tong4] (*[ru4tong4]), n., (1) physical pains, anxiety, apprehension; (2) (Shanghai dial.) unwillingness to part with s.t. one loves. 34. 肉棗 [rou4zao3], n., (bot.) dog wood (also called 山茱萸); 肉棗兒 (a) hardened formation in animals; (b) (coll.) a person who moves awkwardly and clumsily. 35. 肉丸(子) [rou4wan2]([zi0]), n., meat balls. 36. 肉痿 [rou4wei3], n., (Chin. med., AC) muscular insensitivity. 37. 肉眼 [rou4yan3], n., (1) the naked eye: 肉眼可見 can see s.t. (e.g., a distant star) without the aid of instruments; n., 肉眼泡兒 eyes with fleshy eyelids; (2) common or vulgar views: 肉眼凡胎 a shortsighted and good-for-nothing person; 肉眼無珠 dull, stupid (“having eyes, see not”). 38. 肉芽 [rou4ya2], n., (bot.) fleshy buds. 39. 肉蠅 [rou4ying2], n., (zoo.) a large blowfly, Sarcophago carinaria. 40. 肉圓(子) [rouyUan2]([zi0]), n., meat balls. 41. 肉月兒 [rou4yUe4er0], n., the radical 月, representing 肉 meat, usu. not distinguishable from rad. 月. 42. 肉慾 [rou4yU4], n., carnal desires.