释义 |
聯聯 | 521A35 31S.22-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄌㄧㄢˊ [lian2] . [Abbr. , ; pop. dist.連 10.83 with same pr., “combine,” “continue”, 聯 “unite”] | N. | Couplet, written or inscribed, oft. hung up as decoration: 對聯 couplet; 輓聯 scroll of condolence; 門聯 couplet on door panels; 楹聯 couplet on posts; 春聯 New Year couplet.
| V.i. | To unite; hence oft. in p.p. form, “United” (name of company, etc.).
| Words | 1. 聯保 [lian2bao3], v.i., system of making two or more persons responsible for one another's action. 2. 聯邦 [lian2bang1], adj. & n., federal, confederate, -acy, federation: 聯邦政府 federal government. 3. 聯璧 [lian2bi4], n., see 連璧 10.83. 4. 聯大 [lian2da4], n., short for 聯合國大會 United Nations General Assembly. 5. 聯單 [lian2dan1], n., duplicate or joint forms for receipt, etc. 6. 聯貫 [lian2guan4], v.i. & n., continue, -uity: 不相聯貫 disjointed. 7. 聯合 [lian2he2], v.i., unite(d); 聯合國 United Nations (UN); 聯合國大會 General Assembly of the UN (GA); 聯合國安全理事會 Security Council of the UN (SC); 聯合國憲章 Charter of the UN; 聯合國教科文組織 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); 聯合國糧農組織 Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN(FAO); 聯合政府 coalition government. 8. 聯歡 [lian2huan1], n., social get-together: 聯歡會 get-together party. 9. 聯軍 [lian2jUn1], n., the allied troops. 10. 聯絡 [lian2luo4], v.i., to get in touch with each other, keep in contact, (also wr. 連絡); 聯絡官(員) liaison officer. 11. 聯袂 [lian2mei4], adv., as in 聯袂而來 arrive together as a group (lit., “joining sleeves”). 12. 聯盟 [lian2meng2], v.i., ally oneself with; v.i., n., alliance; v.i., 國際聯盟 League of Nations. 13. 聯 [lian2mian2], adv., (come) in close succession, in continuous stream. 14. 聯名 [lian2ming2], phr., with joint signatures. 15. 聯翩 [lian2pian1], adv., see [lian2mian2]↑. 16. 聯票 [lian2piao4], n., coupon with connection tickets for journey. 17. 聯想 [lian2xiang3], v.i. & n., by association of thought, mental association: 我聯想到 remind one of s.t. 18. 聯繫 [lian2xi4], n. & v.i., connection; make connection (with person) for some business. 19. 聯席 [lian2xi2], phr., at the same table; 聯席會議 joint session or conference. 20. 聯手 [lian2shou3], v.i., join hands (with person). 21. 聯屬 [lian2shu3]1, v.i., belong together. 22. 聯署 [lian2shu3]2, v.i., give joint signatures. 23. 聯宗 [lian2zong1], v.i., combined branches of clan. 24. 聯誼 [lian2yi4], n., fellowship; 聯誼會 social, fellowship party. 25. 聯姻 [lian2yin1], v.i., be related by marriage. 26. 聯營 [lian2ying2], n., joint management; 聯營事業 enterprise by joint investment (government and private); 聯營公司 affiliated company.