释义 |
俯俯 | 1236B30 91A.00-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄈㄨˇ [fu3] . [Cogn.伏 91A.81,附 32A.00] | V.i. | To bend down: 俯伏 prostrate; 俯首 bend one's head (in thinking, etc.); 俯首無言 bend one's head in silence; 俯首貼耳,俯首傾耳 whisper, listen closely; 俯首順從,就範 obey, submit “with bent head”; 俯拾 stoop and pick up; 俯拾即是 can find (s.t.) everywhere.
| Adv. | (Court.) design to, condescend to, prefixed to many vbb.: 俯允,俯准 condescend to grant, approve (request); 俯念 kindly consider or remember; 俯察,俯順輿情 (of superior) consider carefully, yield to public sentiment.
| Words | 1. 俯就 [fu3jiu4], v.i., (court.) deign to accept (post). 2. 俯從 [fu3cong2], v.i. & t., follow others’ lead; deign to follow advice, request.