释义 |
耳耳 | 446B20 31.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄦˇ [er3] | Fin. part. | Only (probably contraction of 而已): 前言戲之耳 I was only joking; also indeed: 且吾所為者極難耳 besides, what I did was indeed difficult.
| N. | (1) The ear: 耳朵 [er3duo0]↓; 耳孔 [er3kong1]↓; 掩耳,充耳不聞 turn a deaf ear to; 傾耳而談 whisper to one's ears; 逆耳 or 不入耳之言 words that offend; 洗耳恭聽 listen respectfully; 東風過耳 in one ear and out the other; 面紅耳赤 blush up to the ears; 耳濡目染 influence of surroundings (what one hears and sees); 耳提面命 personal, daily instruction; 耳鬢斯磨 close association during childhood, rub shoulders; 耳聽八方 extraordinarily alert; 耳鳴 buzzing in the ears (usu. combined with dizzness); 耳沉,耳背 heavy of hearing; 耳軟(心活) easily influenced by others; 耳生,耳熟 [er3sheng1], [er3shu2]↓; 百聞不如一見,耳聞不如目見 to see once is better than a hundred hearsays; 外耳 external ear; 中耳 middle ear (tympanum); 內耳 inner ear (labyrinth). (2) Side (rooms, handles): 耳房,耳門 [er3fang1], [er3men2]↓; 鼎耳 the ears of a tripod. (3) Fungus, mushroom: 木耳 tree mushroom, “Jew's ear”; 銀耳 white tree fungus.
| V.t. | (LL) to hear: 久耳大名 have heard of your name for a long time.
| Words | 1. 耳報神 [er3bao4shen2], n., (coll.) spy who reports on person's doings. 2. 耳背 [er3bei4], phr., (MC) heavy of hearing. 3. 耳邊風 [er3bian1feng1], n., rumor, hearsay; s.t. to be disregarded. 4. 耳脖子 [er3bo2zi0], n., area below the ears on the neck. 5. 耳沉 [er3chen2], adj., heavy of hearing. 6. 耳垂(兒) [er3chui2]([er3chuerer0]), n., lower ear lobe. 7. 耳治 [er3chi2], phr., (AC) to listen. 8. 耳瞉 [er3qUe4], n., the external ear. 9. 耳璫 [er3dang1], n., earring, esp. pendant type. 10. 耳刀兒 [er3dao1er0], n., name for the radicals “ ”and “ ”: 單耳刀兒 “ ”and 隻耳刀兒 “ .” 11. 耳底 [er2di3], n., (1) inner ear; (2) inflammation of the ear (also 耳朵底子). 12. 耳朵 [er3duo0], n., common vern. for 耳,the ear: 耳朵不靈 hearing is bad; hearing: 耳朵長 good at hearing all news, reports; 耳朵軟 easily influenced by others; 耳朵沉 heavy of hearing; 耳朵帽兒 earflaps; 耳朵眼兒 (a) ear aperture; (b) aperture for earring. 13. 耳耳 [er2er3], phr., (LL) only soso. 14. 耳房 [er3fang2], n., side room, small annex. 15. 耳糞 [er3fen4], n., see [er3la4]↓. 16. 耳風 [er3feng0], n., rumor heard. 17. 耳根 [er3gen1], n., (1) the ear; (2) hearing: 耳根清淨 quiet, no disturbing sounds; 耳根前 in the immediate presence; 耳根底下 ditto; 耳根臺子 base at back of ear. 18. 耳垢 [er3gou4], n., earwax, see [er3la4]↓. 19. 耳刮(子) [er3gua1]([zi0]), n., a box on the ear: 打了一耳刮 (also wr. 耳瓜). 20. 耳光(子) [er3guang1]([zi0]), n., a box on the ear; also [er3gua1]↑. 21. 耳鼓 [er2gu3], n., (physiol.) eardrum. 22. 耳毫 [er3hao2], n,. (in masks or paintings) stiff hair showing from ears, indicating a coarse or warlike character. 23. 耳環 [er3huan2], n., earring. 24. 耳機(子) [er3ji1]([zi0]), n., earphone. 25. 耳界 [er3jie4], n., sounds within hearing distance: 耳界清淨 cosy, quiet, free from noise. 26. 耳珠 [er3zhu1], n., pearl or similar earrings. 27. 耳墜子 [er3zhui4zi0], n., pendant earrings. 28. 耳脂 [er3zhi1], n., see [er3gou4]↑. 29. 耳科 [er3ke1], n., otology, section in hospital specializing on ear troubles: 耳科專家 otologist, ear specialist. 30. 耳孔 [er2kong3], n., (1) the ear; (2) the ear aperture, external ear canal. 31. 耳蠟 [er3la4], n., earwax, (also [er3gou4], [er3fen4]). 32. 耳力 [er3li4], n., hearing power. 33. 耳漏 [er3lou4], n., otorrhoea, ear inflammation with pus. 34. 耳輪 [er3lun2], n., the earlap, the rim of the ear. 35. 耳聾 [er3long2], adj., deaf. 36. 耳門 [er3men2], n., side door. 37. 耳鳴 [er3ming2], phr., buzzing in the ears, (tinnitus). 38. 耳目 [er3mu4], n., (1) sights and sounds: 耳目一新 a pleasant change of atmosphere or appearance of a place; n., (2) the eyes and ears, i.e., spies set to watch and report on doings: 耳目眾多 too many people in a place watching or listening. 39. 耳 [er3nU4], n. bleeding in the ear. 40. 耳旁風 [er3pang2feng1], n., see [er3bian1feng1]↑. 41. 耳熱 [er3re4], phr., ears flush from excitement, wine. 42. 耳塞(子) [er3sai0]([zi0]), n., see [er3la4]↑. 43. 耳生 [er3sheng1], adj., (name, etc.) sounds unfamiliar, cf. [er3shu2]↓. 44. 耳順 [er3shun4], (1) adj. phr., sixty years of age (allu. Confucius, when nothing he heard could upset him); (2) pleasing to the ear (of opera singing). 45. 耳熟 [er3shu2], adj., (name) sounds familiar: 耳熟能詳 very familiar, have heard many times. 46. 耳食 [er3shi2], v.i., to believe all that one hears: 耳食之徒 such people; [veelshi2], 耳食不化 hearing without digesting what is heard. 47. 耳學 [er3xUe2], phr., learn not directly from books but from what others say. 48. 耳屎 [er2shi3], n., see [er3la4], [er3fen4]↑. 49. 耳孫 [er3sun1], n., eighth-generation grandchild. 50. 耳痛 [er3tong4], n., earache. 51. 耳子 [er3zi0], n., the ears or side handles of a basin, barrel, incense tray, etc. 52. 耳挖(兒)(子) [er3wa2]([er0])([zi0]), n., an ear pick. 53. 耳聞 [er3wen2], v.i. & t., to hear. 54. 耳衣 [er3yi1], n., earflaps. 55. 耳語 [er2yU3], n. & v.i., whisper.